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NAOMI: adaptive optics at the WHT

Benn, Chris R.; Blanken, Maarten; Bevil, Craige; Els, Sebastian; Goodsell, Stephen; Gregory, Tom; Jolley, Paul; Longmore, Andy J.; Martin, Olivier; Myers, Richard M.; Ostensen, Roy; Rees, Simon; Rutten, Rene G.M.; Soechting, Ilona; Talbot, Gordon; Tulloch, Simon M.


Chris R. Benn

Maarten Blanken

Craige Bevil

Sebastian Els

Stephen Goodsell

Tom Gregory

Paul Jolley

Andy J. Longmore

Olivier Martin

Roy Ostensen

Simon Rees

Rene G.M. Rutten

Ilona Soechting

Gordon Talbot

Simon M. Tulloch


Benn, C. R., Blanken, M., Bevil, C., Els, S., Goodsell, S., Gregory, T., Jolley, P., Longmore, A. J., Martin, O., Myers, R. M., Ostensen, R., Rees, S., Rutten, R. G., Soechting, I., Talbot, G., & Tulloch, S. M. (2004, December). NAOMI: adaptive optics at the WHT

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date 2004
Volume 5490
Pages 79-89
Series Title Advancements in Adaptive Optics. Edited by Domenico B. Calia, Brent L. Ellerbroek, and Roberto Ragazzoni. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5490, pp. 79-89 (2004).
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