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Schooling, capital constraints and entrepreneurial performance: the endogenous triangle (2006)
Journal Article
Parker, S., & van Praag, M. (2006). Schooling, capital constraints and entrepreneurial performance: the endogenous triangle. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 24(4), 416-431.

We estimate the impact of schooling and capital constraints at the time of startup on the performance of Dutch entrepreneurial ventures, taking into account the potential endogeneity and interdependence of these variables. Instrumental variable estim... Read More about Schooling, capital constraints and entrepreneurial performance: the endogenous triangle.

Learning about the unknown: How fast do entrepreneurs adjust their beliefs? (2006)
Journal Article
Parker, S. (2006). Learning about the unknown: How fast do entrepreneurs adjust their beliefs?. Journal of Business Venturing, 21(1), 1-26.

This paper seeks to measure the extent to which entrepreneurs adjust their beliefs in the light of new information, instead of relying on past experience to guide their decision making. We build a model in which entrepreneurs continually receive valu... Read More about Learning about the unknown: How fast do entrepreneurs adjust their beliefs?.