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Novel antibiotics: second generation macrocyclic peptides designed to trap Holliday junctions. (2004)
Journal Article
Liotta, L., Medina, I., Robinson, J., Carroll, C., Pan, P., Corral, R., …McAlpine, S. (2004). Novel antibiotics: second generation macrocyclic peptides designed to trap Holliday junctions. Tetrahedron Letters, 45, 8447-8450.

Described are the syntheses of 15 macrocyclic peptides designed to trap Holliday junctions(HJs) in bacteria during site-specific and homologous recombination. This leads to inhibiting bacterial growth. These second generation macrocycles were based o... Read More about Novel antibiotics: second generation macrocyclic peptides designed to trap Holliday junctions..

Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric predictive inference (2004)
Journal Article
Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. (2004). Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric predictive inference. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(12), 1281-1297.

We consider an age replacement problem using nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for the lifetime of a future unit. Based on n observed failure times, NPI provides lower and upper bounds for the survival function for a future lifetime Xn+1, whic... Read More about Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric predictive inference.

Extinction risk from climate change (2004)
Journal Article
Thomas, C., Cameron, A., Green, R., Bakkenes, M., Beaumont, L., Collingham, Y., …Williams, S. (2004). Extinction risk from climate change. Nature, 427(8 January 2004), 145-148

Interaction of superintense laser pulses with relativistic ions (2004)
Journal Article
Chirilă, C., Joachain, C., Kylstra, N., & Potvliege, R. (2004). Interaction of superintense laser pulses with relativistic ions. Physical Review Letters, 93(24),

At high intensities, three-step recollision processes driven by low frequency laser pulses, such as high-order harmonic generation and high-order above-threshold ionization, are normally severely suppressed by the magnetic-field component of the lase... Read More about Interaction of superintense laser pulses with relativistic ions.

The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XIII. A measurement of Λ from the quasi-stellar object power spectrum, P<SUP>S</SUP>(k<SUB>&parallel;</SUB>, k<SUB>⊥</SUB>) (2004)
Journal Article
Outram, P., Shanks, T., Boyle, B., Croom, S., Hoyle, F., Loaring, N., …Smith, R. (2004). The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - XIII. A measurement of Λ from the quasi-stellar object power spectrum, PS(k&parallel;, k⊥). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 348, 745-752.