The faint galaxy contribution to the diffuse extragalactic background light
Journal Article
Cole, S., Treyer, M., & Silk, J. (1992). The faint galaxy contribution to the diffuse extragalactic background light. Astrophysical Journal, 385, 9-25.
All Outputs (207)
Journal Article
May, A., Roesky, H., Herbstirmer, R., FREITAG, S., & Sheldrick, G. (1992). [3 + 1] CYCLOADDITION - REACTION OF DICHLOROGERMYLENE WITH HEXAFLUORO-2-PROPANETHIONE 1-ADAMANTYLIMIDE. Organometallics, 11(1), 15-16.
Hemoglobin levels and step test performance of men and women in Nepal (1992)
Journal Article
Panter-Brick, C., Miller, D., & Eggerman, M. (1992). Hemoglobin levels and step test performance of men and women in Nepal. American Journal of Human Biology, 4(4), 481-491. impact of low hemoglobin levels on the work performance of 74 rural Nepali villagers was examined with a 3 minute exercise step test. Work output was standardized at 75 watts for men and 55 watts for women. Hemoglobin values ranged from 4.2-15.7... Read More about Hemoglobin levels and step test performance of men and women in Nepal.
Periodic points for expansive actions of Z^d on compact abelian groups (1992)
Journal Article
Ward, T. (1992). Periodic points for expansive actions of Z^d on compact abelian groups. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 24(4), 317-324. this note we show that the periodic points of an expansive Z^d action on a compact abelian group are uniformly distributed with respect to Haar measure if the action has completely positive entropy. In the general expansive case, we show that any... Read More about Periodic points for expansive actions of Z^d on compact abelian groups.
The Abramov-Rokhlin entropy addition formula for amenable group actions (1992)
Journal Article
Ward, T., & Zhang, Q. (1992). The Abramov-Rokhlin entropy addition formula for amenable group actions. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 114(3-4), 317-329. this note we show that the entropy of a skew product action of a countable amenable group satisfies the classical formula of Abramov and Rokhlin.
The Bernoulli property for expansive Z^2 actions on compact groups (1992)
Journal Article
Ward, T. (1992). The Bernoulli property for expansive Z^2 actions on compact groups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 79(2-3), 225-249. show that an expansive Z^2 action on a compact abelian group is measurably isomorphic to a two-dimensional Bernoulli shift if and only if it has completely positive entropy. The proof uses the algebraic structure of such actions described by Kitch... Read More about The Bernoulli property for expansive Z^2 actions on compact groups.
The Detection and Definition of an Industry; The English Medieval and Post Medieval Pin Industry (1992)
Journal Article
Caple, C. (1992). The Detection and Definition of an Industry; The English Medieval and Post Medieval Pin Industry. Archaeological Journal, 148(1), 241-255. different ways in which industries are described and researched using historical or archaeological evidence are highlighted. The differing pictures which emerge for the production of small wound wire headed copper alloy pins in England the late-... Read More about The Detection and Definition of an Industry; The English Medieval and Post Medieval Pin Industry.