Growth And Perfection Of Rare-earth Aluminate And Dyfeo3 Crystals With Moo3 As Additive
Journal Article
Wanklyn, B., Midgley, D., & Tanner, B. (1975). Growth And Perfection Of Rare-earth Aluminate And Dyfeo3 Crystals With Moo3 As Additive. Journal of Crystal Growth, 29, 281-288
All Outputs (81871)
The easy direction of magnetization in gadolinium (1975)
Journal Article
Corner, W., & Tanner, B. (1975). The easy direction of magnetization in gadolinium. Journal of physics. C. Solid state physics, 9, 627-633
Study Of Perfection Of Flux-grown Rare-earth Vanadates By X-ray Topography (1975)
Journal Article
Tanner, B., & Smith, S. (1975). Study Of Perfection Of Flux-grown Rare-earth Vanadates By X-ray Topography. Journal of Crystal Growth, 28, 77-84
The anisotropy of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. II - Search for correlations with astronomical objects (1975)
Journal Article
Kiraly, P., Osborne, J., White, M., Wolfendale, A., & Kota, J. (1975). The anisotropy of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. II - Search for correlations with astronomical objects. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 8, 2018-2032
On the extreme ultraviolet solar emission of B-like ions - O IV (1975)
Journal Article
Flower, D., & Nussbaumer, H. (1975). On the extreme ultraviolet solar emission of B-like ions - O IV. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 45, 145-150
The effect of substrate misorientation on the magnetic properties of epitaxial garnet films. (1975)
Journal Article
Abram, R., Fairholme, R., Tench, M., & Gehring, K. (1975). The effect of substrate misorientation on the magnetic properties of epitaxial garnet films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 8, 94-98.
Composition and Spectra of Primary Cosmic-Ray Electrons and Nuclei above 10¹⁰ eV: Discussion (1975)
Journal Article
Dilworth, C., Erlykin, A., Farley, F., Fichtel, C., Gold, T., Meyer, P., …G., F. (1975). Composition and Spectra of Primary Cosmic-Ray Electrons and Nuclei above 10¹⁰ eV: Discussion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 277, 360-363
The processes of diffraction dissociation at small momentum transfer as a way of studying the asymptotics of total cross sections (1975)
Journal Article
Azimov, Y., Khoze, V., Levin, E., & Ryskin, M. (1975). The processes of diffraction dissociation at small momentum transfer as a way of studying the asymptotics of total cross sections. Nuclear Physics B, 89, 508-534.
The Emission of Li-like Ions from the Solar Corona (1975)
Journal Article
Flower, D., & Nussbaumer, H. (1975). The Emission of Li-like Ions from the Solar Corona. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 39, 295-
A Non-Negative Wigner-Type Distribution (1975)
Journal Article
Cartwright, N. (1975). A Non-Negative Wigner-Type Distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 83(1), 210-212. Wigner function, which is commonly used as a joint distribution for non-commuting observables, is shown to be non-negative in all quantum states when smoothed with a gaussian whose variances are greater than or equal to those of the minimum uncer... Read More about A Non-Negative Wigner-Type Distribution.
Early "Irish" Biblical Exegesis (1975)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stancliffe, C. (1975, December). Early "Irish" Biblical Exegesis. Presented at Patristic Conference, Oxford
Storage of the 1971 U.K. Census data ; some technical considerations (1975)
Preprint / Working Paper
Visvalingam, M. (1975). Storage of the 1971 U.K. Census data ; some technical considerations
The Suez Canal : a commemorative bibliography 1975 (1975)
Preprint / Working Paper
Blake, G. H., & Swearingen, W. D. (1975). The Suez Canal : a commemorative bibliography 1975
Contrast Of Crystal Defects Under Polarized-light (1974)
Journal Article
Tanner, B., & Fathers, D. (1974). Contrast Of Crystal Defects Under Polarized-light. Philosophical magazine, 29, 1081-1094
Top-seeded Flux Growth Of Rare-earth Vanadates (1974)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Garton, G., & Tanner, B. (1974). Top-seeded Flux Growth Of Rare-earth Vanadates. Journal of Crystal Growth, 23, 335-340
Journal Article
Derrett, C., & Tavner, P. (1974). PRESENTATION OF BIOLOGICAL SIGNALS FOR DIGITAL-COMPUTER ANALYSIS. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 19(4), 566-566
Origin of energetic cosmic rays. III. One-dimensional diffusion from random sources (1974)
Journal Article
Dickinson, G., & Osborne, J. (1974). Origin of energetic cosmic rays. III. One-dimensional diffusion from random sources. Journal of physics. A, Mathematical nuclear and general, 7, 728-740.
On the analysis of solar XUV observations and the structure of the chromosphere-corona transition region (1974)
Journal Article
Flower, D., & Pineau Des Forets, G. (1974). On the analysis of solar XUV observations and the structure of the chromosphere-corona transition region. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 37, 297-300
A mode coupling theory for a parabolic index optical fibre whose axis deviates from straightness. (1974)
Journal Article
Abram, R. (1974). A mode coupling theory for a parabolic index optical fibre whose axis deviates from straightness. Optics Communications, 12, 338-340
Perfection Of Flux Grown Crystals (1974)
Journal Article
Tanner, B. (1974). Perfection Of Flux Grown Crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth, 24, 637-640