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All Outputs (193)

The influence of green entrepreneurship on sustainable development in Saudi Arabia: The role of formal institutions (2021)
Journal Article
Alwakid, W., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2021). The influence of green entrepreneurship on sustainable development in Saudi Arabia: The role of formal institutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), Article 5433.

This study explores the influence of green entrepreneurial activity on sustainable development, using institutional economics as a theoretical framework. Also, the role of entrepreneurship policy is analysed in the context of Saudi Arabia. Using info... Read More about The influence of green entrepreneurship on sustainable development in Saudi Arabia: The role of formal institutions.

Repaying the Debt: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Organisational Support and Unethical Pro-Organisational Behaviour by Low Performers (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Zheng, X., & Zhao, S. (2022). Repaying the Debt: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Organisational Support and Unethical Pro-Organisational Behaviour by Low Performers. Journal of Business Ethics, 179(3), 697-709.

Drawing on social exchange theory, we examine the conditions under which employees’ good intentions motivate them to engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) and the psychological mechanism behind this behavioral decision. Findings from... Read More about Repaying the Debt: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Organisational Support and Unethical Pro-Organisational Behaviour by Low Performers.

Bridging the Digital Divide in Ethnic Minority Older Adults: an Organisational Qualitative Study (2021)
Journal Article
Choudrie, J., Zamani, E., & Obuekwe, C. (2022). Bridging the Digital Divide in Ethnic Minority Older Adults: an Organisational Qualitative Study. Information Systems Frontiers, 24(4), 1355-1375.

This paper aims to explore and understand the digital divide in older adults when accepting and using smart devices within an organization. Using an in-depth single case study, the digital divide is explored and understood using technology-mediated l... Read More about Bridging the Digital Divide in Ethnic Minority Older Adults: an Organisational Qualitative Study.

Informal institutions and leadership behavior in a developing country: A comparison between rural and urban areas (2021)
Journal Article
Urbano, D., Felix, C., & Aparicio, S. (2021). Informal institutions and leadership behavior in a developing country: A comparison between rural and urban areas. Journal of Business Research, 132, 544-556.

This paper explores the extent to which informal institutions influence leadership behavior in Mexico, distinguishing between urban and rural areas. Using the institutional approach and through logistic regression models with data obtained from the N... Read More about Informal institutions and leadership behavior in a developing country: A comparison between rural and urban areas.

Technophobia dataset (2021)
Sinkovics, R. R., & Salzberger, T. (2021). Technophobia dataset. [Data].

This is a dataset on "technophobia" a socio-psychological construct, which is experienced by consumers who feel overloaded by the complexity of technology-related products. The dataset was used in the publications below and is available for use in re... Read More about Technophobia dataset.

The impact of workplace stressors on exhaustion and work engagement in policing (2021)
Journal Article
Lockey, S., Graham, L., Zheng, Y., Hesketh, I., Plater, M., & Gracey, S. (2022). The impact of workplace stressors on exhaustion and work engagement in policing. Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 95(1), 190-206.

This paper uses the challenge-hindrance stressor framework to examine the impact of challenge and hindrance stressors on police officer and staff well-being. Results of two studies conducted in English police forces demonstrate that challenge stresso... Read More about The impact of workplace stressors on exhaustion and work engagement in policing.

The Covid-19 pandemic: towards a societally engaged IB perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Dörrenbächer, C., Sinkovics, R. R., Becker-Ritterspach, F., Boussebaa, M., Curran, L., de Jonge, A., & Khan, Z. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemic: towards a societally engaged IB perspective. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 17(2), 149-164.

Purpose This viewpoint takes up the Covid-19 pandemic as a trigger for a research agenda around societally engaged international business (IB) research. Design/methodology/approach The paper is organized as a viewpoint. First, it provides an overview... Read More about The Covid-19 pandemic: towards a societally engaged IB perspective.

Self-consistency and self-determination perspectives of career value changes: A cross-lagged panel study among Chinese university students (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, Y., Liu, S., Li, R., Guan, Y., & Zhou, W. (2021). Self-consistency and self-determination perspectives of career value changes: A cross-lagged panel study among Chinese university students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 127, Article 103584.

Drawing upon value change and self-determination theories, a cross-lagged panel survey study was conducted to examine the dynamic changes among different value dimensions (i.e., external compensation, intrinsic fulfillment, and work-life balance valu... Read More about Self-consistency and self-determination perspectives of career value changes: A cross-lagged panel study among Chinese university students.

Learning on your own: bricolage and the quest for relevance in the squeezed Bangladeshi garment supply chain (2021)
Book Chapter
Hoque, S. F., Sinkovics, N., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2021). Learning on your own: bricolage and the quest for relevance in the squeezed Bangladeshi garment supply chain. In M. B. Rana, & M. M. C. Allen (Eds.), Upgrading the Global Garment Industry (162-185). Edward Elgar Publishing.

This chapter explores knowledge-acquisition strategies adopted by Bangladeshi garment suppliers, in pursuit of economic upgrading. The context is characterised by ‘tacit promissory’ contracting relationships, whereby suppliers make recurrent discrete... Read More about Learning on your own: bricolage and the quest for relevance in the squeezed Bangladeshi garment supply chain.

Resources of history and hope: Studying left-wing political parties through loss (2021)
Journal Article
Smolovic Jones, O., Carroll, B., & Sinha, P. (2021). Resources of history and hope: Studying left-wing political parties through loss. Ephemera, 21(2), 199-215

The paper offers loss as a framework for identifying resources of hope in insider studies of left-wing political parties. It interrogates and builds on insights from our paper on the resistance leadership of Corbynism in the UK (Sinha et al., 2021),... Read More about Resources of history and hope: Studying left-wing political parties through loss.

A Socially Motivating and Environmentally Friendly Tour Recommendation Framework for Tourist Groups (2021)
Journal Article
Kargar, M., & Lin, Z. (2021). A Socially Motivating and Environmentally Friendly Tour Recommendation Framework for Tourist Groups. Expert Systems with Applications, 180, Article 115083.

Traveling in a group brings various social and environmental benefits, yet members might have different (and sometime conflicting) preferences. In this study, a tour recommendation framework is proposed that receives a set of must-visit and preferred... Read More about A Socially Motivating and Environmentally Friendly Tour Recommendation Framework for Tourist Groups.

Making sense of business analytics in project selection and prioritisation: insights from the start-up trenches (2021)
Journal Article
Zamani, E. D., Griva, A., Spanaki, K., O'Raghallaigh, P., & Sammon, D. (online). Making sense of business analytics in project selection and prioritisation: insights from the start-up trenches. Information Technology & People,

The study aims to provide insights in the sensemaking process and the use of business analytics (BA) for project selection and prioritisation in start-up settings. A major focus is on the various ways start-ups can understand their data thro... Read More about Making sense of business analytics in project selection and prioritisation: insights from the start-up trenches.

Economic policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of central bank independence (2021)
Journal Article
Elgin, C., Yalaman, A., Yasar, S., & Basbug, G. (2021). Economic policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of central bank independence. Economics Letters, 204, Article 109874.

Is central bank independence (CBI) associated with economic policy responses to mitigate the adverse economic effects of the COVID 19 pandemic? In this paper, we provide cross-country evidence that it does. Our results generally indicate that more in... Read More about Economic policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of central bank independence.

Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Future Research Directions (2021)
Journal Article
Sousa, C., He, X., Lengler, J., & Tang, L. (2021). Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of International Management, 27(2), Article 100848.

Foreign market re-entry has increasingly attracted academic interest. However, different streams of research have developed largely independently of each other, which has hindered theory development and practical advancement in the field. By reviewin... Read More about Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Future Research Directions.

Theorizing person-environment fit in a changing career world: Interdisciplinary integration and future directions (2021)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Deng, H., Fan, L., & Zhou, X. (2021). Theorizing person-environment fit in a changing career world: Interdisciplinary integration and future directions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 126, Article 103557.

This article is part of the 50th anniversary issue of the Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB), with a focus on Person-environment (P-E) fit. P-E fit has been a central research area in vocational and organizational psychology. With a focus on highly... Read More about Theorizing person-environment fit in a changing career world: Interdisciplinary integration and future directions.

Micro-activism and wellbeing in organisational life: 1,000s of snowflakes and the potential avalanche (2021)
Book Chapter
Collective, T. K. (2021). Micro-activism and wellbeing in organisational life: 1,000s of snowflakes and the potential avalanche. In T. Wall, C. Cooper, & P. Brough (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Organisational Wellbeing (542-556). SAGE Publications.

Activism, or acts of protest and challenge against wider power structures and injustices, has been emerging (or resurging) as a common and high-profile phenomenon in and around organisations over the last two decades. Over this time, evidence has hig... Read More about Micro-activism and wellbeing in organisational life: 1,000s of snowflakes and the potential avalanche.