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All Outputs (7)

The Effect of Humidity on Microwave Characteristics of 2 Screen Printed Paper-Based Electronics (2018)
Journal Article
Shenton, S. A., Cooke, M. D., Racz, Z., Balocco, C., & Wood, D. (2018). The Effect of Humidity on Microwave Characteristics of 2 Screen Printed Paper-Based Electronics. physica status solidi (a) – applications and materials science, 215(11), Article 1700689.

This paper addresses one of the key issues in using paper electronics at microwave frequencies. As paper is hygroscopic, the varying moisture content can lead to differing dielectric and even conductive properties of paper electronics and must be tak... Read More about The Effect of Humidity on Microwave Characteristics of 2 Screen Printed Paper-Based Electronics.

Ratiometric Decoding of Pheromones for a Biomimetic Infochemical Communication System (2017)
Journal Article
Wei, G., Thomas, S., Cole, M., Rácz, Z., & Gardner, J. (2017). Ratiometric Decoding of Pheromones for a Biomimetic Infochemical Communication System. Sensors, 17(11), Article 2489.

Biosynthetic infochemical communication is an emerging scientific field employing molecular compounds for information transmission, labelling, and biochemical interfacing; having potential application in diverse areas ranging from pest management to... Read More about Ratiometric Decoding of Pheromones for a Biomimetic Infochemical Communication System.

Soft Elastomeric Capacitive Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring (2017)
Journal Article
Racz, Z., Hackney, E. M., & Wood, D. (2017). Soft Elastomeric Capacitive Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring. Procedia engineering, 168, 721-724.

Propagation of fractures due to high stress loads are a common cause of structural failure. This paper describes a thin soft elastomeric capacitor (SEC) sensor which can be adhered to structures to monitor strain fields and detect sub-millimeter defo... Read More about Soft Elastomeric Capacitive Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring.

Rapid processing of chemosensor transients in a neuromorphic implementation of the insect macroglomerular complex (2013)
Journal Article
Pearce, T. C., Karout, S., Rácz, Z., Capurro, A., Gardner, J. W., & Cole, M. (2013). Rapid processing of chemosensor transients in a neuromorphic implementation of the insect macroglomerular complex. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7, Article 119.

We present a biologically-constrained neuromorphic spiking model of the insect antennal lobe macroglomerular complex that encodes concentration ratios of chemical components existing within a blend, implemented using a set of programmable logic neuro... Read More about Rapid processing of chemosensor transients in a neuromorphic implementation of the insect macroglomerular complex.

Ratiometric info-chemical communication system based on polymer-coated surface acoustic wave microsensors. (2012)
Journal Article
Yang, J., Rácz, Z., Gardner, J., Cole, M., & Chen, H. (2012). Ratiometric info-chemical communication system based on polymer-coated surface acoustic wave microsensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 173, 547-554.

A novel ratiometric info-chemical communication system has been developed that is based upon an array of four surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator microsensors operating at a frequency of 262 MHz and under ambient conditions. The info-chemical mixtu... Read More about Ratiometric info-chemical communication system based on polymer-coated surface acoustic wave microsensors..

Characterization and control of unconfined lateral diffusion under stencil masks (2007)
Journal Article
Rácz, Z., & Seabaugh, A. (2007). Characterization and control of unconfined lateral diffusion under stencil masks. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 25(3), 857-861.

A quantitative study of the spreading behavior of electron-beam-evaporated Al, Au, Cr, Ge, Pt, and Ti on oxidized Si substrates has been performed using translated stencil masks. At least two mechanisms are needed to account for the lateral spreading... Read More about Characterization and control of unconfined lateral diffusion under stencil masks.

Nanofabrication using nanotranslated stencil masks and lift off (2004)
Journal Article
Racz, Z., He, J., Srinivasan, S., Zhao, W., Seabaugh, A., Han, K., …Wolfe, J. (2004). Nanofabrication using nanotranslated stencil masks and lift off. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 22(1), 74-76.

We propose and demonstrate a technique for forming nanometer-scale metal features based on evaporation onto a substrate through a stencil mask. In this work, the stencil mask is laterally translated by a piezoflexure stage, between evaporations of di... Read More about Nanofabrication using nanotranslated stencil masks and lift off.