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Latinity: Rhetoric and Anxiety after Antiquity

Barrett, Graham; Margolis, Oren


Oren Margolis


This introduction sets the scene for six essays devoted to the study of the discourse of Latin. Despite the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century, Latin remained the dominant code of communication in European society for a millennium. And yet in the minds of many of its most prolific users and commentators, it has experienced a continuous cycle of existential crises. After multiple reappraisals and re-fashionings of Latinity in the early and high Middle Ages, the self-conscious definition of language and its relationship to culture which arose in fourteenth-century Italy led to the bestowal of the much-controverted title of “renaissance” on the ensuing age. But, with respect to Latinity, was (and is) this label a distinction without a difference? Not only in the Quattrocento, but also in earlier and later eras, cultivating “good Latin”, however this was defined, and indeed being seen to cultivate it were matters of the utmost importance, an inexhaustible wellspring of sociocultural capital. Our object here is to study the language of the language itself: the value attributed to Latin, its standing vis-à-vis other languages, the qualities linked with it, and the issues in which it was implicated. Our remit is Latinity after Antiquity, and the six essays which follow range from late antique North Africa to nineteenth-century Hungary.


Barrett, G., & Margolis, O. (2022). Latinity: Rhetoric and Anxiety after Antiquity. Eranos: Acta Philologica Suecana, 112, 1-26.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 29, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 22, 2022
Publication Date Jun 22, 2022
Deposit Date Sep 2, 2024
Journal Eranos: Acta Philologica Suecana
Print ISSN 0013-9947
Electronic ISSN 2004-6332
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 112
Pages 1-26
ISBN 2004-6332
Keywords Latinity, sociocultural history, Renaissance humanism, John Tiptoft, Gregory of Tours
Public URL