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Diverse Voices in Health Law and Ethics: Important Perspectives


Sabrina Germain

Jonathan Herring


This indispensable textbook on health(care) law and ethics covers all the topics usually taught on medical law /healthcare law courses from negligence to confidentiality to organ donation and beyond. It provides key content in a way that encompasses reflection on how the dominant understanding of the operation of the law, or practice of medicine, is not always attentive to the experiences of marginalised groups. In each chapter exploring a different topic, a diverse perspective is offered. Unlike other health law textbooks, this book centralises the relevance of health inequalities and how these are produced by and reflect intersecting sources of disadvantage. This book, amplifying some diverse voices and diverse perspectives, makes an important starting point for diversification in the curriculum.

With chapters written by a range of experts across health law, ethics and medicine, this textbook helps students to explore legal and ethical dilemmas in healthcare and surrounding healthcare with intersectional and original perspectives and helps teachers provide a more inclusive teaching experience poised to develop students’ critical approaches to ethical and legal dilemmas in healthcare.


Romanis, E., Germain, S., & Herring, J. (Eds.). (in press). Diverse Voices in Health Law and Ethics: Important Perspectives. Bristol University Press

Book Type Edited Book
Deposit Date Jul 17, 2024
Publisher Bristol University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
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Contract Date Apr 4, 2023