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Approximate and Randomized Algorithms for Computing a Second Hamiltonian Cycle

Deligkas, Argyrios; Mertzios, George B.; Spirakis, Paul G.; Zamaraev, Viktor

Approximate and Randomized Algorithms for Computing a Second Hamiltonian Cycle Thumbnail


Argyrios Deligkas

Paul G. Spirakis

Viktor Zamaraev


In this paper we consider the following problem: Given a Hamiltonian graph G, and a Hamiltonian cycle C of G, can we compute a second Hamiltonian cycle C′≠C of G, and if yes, how quickly? If the input graph G satisfies certain conditions (e.g. if every vertex of G is odd, or if the minimum degree is large enough), it is known that such a second Hamiltonian cycle always exists. Despite substantial efforts, no subexponential-time algorithm is known for this problem. In this paper we relax the problem of computing a second Hamiltonian cycle in two ways. First, we consider approximating the length of a second longest cycle on n-vertex graphs with minimum degree δ and maximum degree Δ. We provide a linear-time algorithm for computing a cycle C′≠C of length at least n-4α(n+2α)+8, where α=Δ-2δ-2. This results provides a constructive proof of a recent result by Girão, Kittipassorn, and Narayanan in the regime of Δδ=o(n). Our second relaxation of the problem is probabilistic. We propose a randomized algorithm which computes a second Hamiltonian cycle with high probability, given that the input graph G has a large enough minimum degree. More specifically, we prove that for every 0


Deligkas, A., Mertzios, G. B., Spirakis, P. G., & Zamaraev, V. (2024). Approximate and Randomized Algorithms for Computing a Second Hamiltonian Cycle. Algorithmica, 86(9), 2766-2785.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 24, 2024
Online Publication Date Jun 12, 2024
Publication Date Sep 1, 2024
Deposit Date Nov 6, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 19, 2024
Journal Algorithmica
Print ISSN 0178-4617
Electronic ISSN 1432-0541
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 86
Issue 9
Pages 2766-2785
Keywords Approximation algorithm, Graph with minimum degree 3, Randomized algorithm, Hamiltonian cycle
Public URL


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