A.M. Brown
Atmospheric monitoring for the HESS Cherenkov telescope array by transmissometer and LIDAR
Brown, A.M.; Chadwick, P.M.; Dickinson, H.J.; Hadjichristidis, C.; Latham, I.J.; Le Gallou, R.; McComb, T.J.L.; Nolan, S.J.; Noutsos, A.; Orford, K.J.; Osborne, J.L.; Rayner, S.M.; Spangler, D.; Collaboration, HESS
P.M. Chadwick
H.J. Dickinson
C. Hadjichristidis
I.J. Latham
R. Le Gallou
T.J.L. McComb
Professor Sam Nolan s.j.nolan@durham.ac.uk
Director Of Dcad
A. Noutsos
K.J. Orford
J.L. Osborne
S.M. Rayner
D. Spangler
HESS Collaboration
Brown, A., Chadwick, P., Dickinson, H., Hadjichristidis, C., Latham, I., Le Gallou, R., …Collaboration, H. (2005). Atmospheric monitoring for the HESS Cherenkov telescope array by transmissometer and LIDAR.
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (Published) |
Conference Name | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 29TH INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE, VOL 5: OG 2.5, 2.6 \& 2.7 Forsch Zentrum Karsruhe Inst Kernphys; Univ Karlsruhe; Inst Expt Kemphys; Tata Inst Fundamental Res; Int Union Pure \& Appl Phys |
Publication Date | 2005 |
Deposit Date | Feb 5, 2014 |
Pages | 403-406 |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1693313 |
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