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Semi-analytical galaxy formation models and the high redshift universe

Lacey, C.; Baugh, C. M.


C. Lacey


A. J. Banday

R. K. Sheth

L. N. da Costa


Semi-analytical models of galaxy formation based on hierarchical clustering now make a wide range of predictions for observable properties of galaxies at low and high redshift. This article concentrates on 2 aspects: (1) Self-consistent modelling of dust absorption predicts a mean UV extinction A_{UV} ~ 1 mag, depending only weakly on redshift, and similar to observational estimates. (2) The models predict that the Lyman-break galaxies found at z ~ 3 should be strongly clustered with a comoving correlation length r_0 = 4-7 Mpc/h (depending on the cosmology), in good agreement with subsequent observational determinations.


Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. M. (1999, January). Semi-analytical galaxy formation models and the high redshift universe. Presented at Evolution of Large Scale Structure : From Recombination to Garching

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Evolution of Large Scale Structure : From Recombination to Garching
Publication Date 1999-01
Deposit Date May 16, 2014
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
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