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Subdivision Surfaces and Applications

Catalano, Chiara; Ivrissimtzis, Ioannis; Nasri, Ahmad


Chiara Catalano

Ahmad Nasri


Leila De Floriani

Michela Spagnuolo


After a short introduction on the fundamentals of subdivision surfaces, the more advanced material of this chapter focuses on two main aspects. First, shape interrogation issues are discussed; in particular, artifacts, typical of subdivision surfaces, are analysed. The second aspect is related to how structuring the geometric information: a multi-resolution approach is a natural choice for this geometric representation, and it can be seen as a possible way to structure geometry. Moreover, a first semantic structure can be given by a set of meaningful geometric constraints that the shape has to preserve, often due to the specific application context. How subdivision surfaces can cope with constraint-based modelling is treated in the chapter with a special attention to applications.


Catalano, C., Ivrissimtzis, I., & Nasri, A. (2008). Subdivision Surfaces and Applications. In L. De Floriani, & M. Spagnuolo (Eds.), Shape analysis and structuring (115-143). Springer Verlag.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2008
Deposit Date Sep 28, 2010
Publisher Springer Verlag
Pages 115-143
Series Title Mathematics and visualization
Book Title Shape analysis and structuring.
Chapter Number 4
ISBN 9783540332640
Public URL
Additional Information Collection: Mathematics and Statistics