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Towards students’ learning activities in an MA translation mdule : an interview-based study

Zheng, Binghan

Towards students’ learning activities in an MA translation mdule : an interview-based study Thumbnail



Linda Mingfang Li

Minjie Xing


This paper focuses on the experience of learning from the student’s perspective and is based upon a phenomenological approach to education studies, investigating the relationships between approaches, conceptions, contexts and outcomes of learning. Students’ interview data were collected and analysed in order to investigate the complex relationships between different factors in the nested model of student learning (Meyer 2011). This research reveals that learning processes have close connections with students’ intentions, motivation, and conceptions of learning. Moreover, the context of learning also plays an important role in the complex learning system. Secondly, students’ prior knowledge or background plays an important role in their learning process. For example, blank knowledge or troublesome knowledge of translation theories can obstruct a student from taking deep approaches toward learning, inhibiting their ability to achieve in-depth understanding of, and creative thinking about, reading materials. The findings of this research can effectively be applied to the teaching of this module. 1) It is vital to provide students with clear task requirements (i.e. learning aims and presentation standards) at the beginning of the teaching activity. 2) Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge in MA translation teaching should be taken into account. A focus on threshold concepts enables teachers to make refined decisions about what is fundamental to a grasp of the subject they are teaching. It is a‘ less is more’ approach to curriculum design (Cousin 2006:4). Keywords: learning intention, learning motivation, conception.


Zheng, B. (2014). Towards students’ learning activities in an MA translation mdule : an interview-based study. In L. M. Li, & M. Xing (Eds.), Innovation and Consolidation in Learning and Teaching Chinese--Applied Chinese Language Studies V (223-236). (New ed.). Sinolingua London

Publication Date Jan 1, 2014
Deposit Date May 5, 2014
Publicly Available Date Jan 6, 2015
Pages 223-236
Edition New ed.
Book Title Innovation and Consolidation in Learning and Teaching Chinese--Applied Chinese Language Studies V
Keywords Learning intention, Learning motivation, Conception of learning, Threshold concepts.
Public URL
Publisher URL


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