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Modelling the energy dependencies of X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting compact objects

Zycki, P.T.; Sobolewska, M.A.


P.T. Zycki

M.A. Sobolewska


We have constructed models of the quasi-periodic variability of X-ray emission from accreting compact objects. Assuming a general scenario of a propagation model of variability, with inverse Compton upscattering as the emission mechanism, we have considered a number of cases for the periodic modulation: modulation of the plasma heating rate, cooling rate by external soft photons and the amplitude of the reprocessed component. We have computed various observational characteristics which can be compared to good quality data. These include Fourier-frequency resolved spectra and the results of cross-correlation analysis between light curves at different energies. Each model of modulation predicts specific observational signatures, which help in identifying the physical processes driving quasi-periodic oscillations emission in accreting sources.


Zycki, P., & Sobolewska, M. (2005). Modelling the energy dependencies of X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting compact objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 364(3), 891-898.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2005-12
Deposit Date May 2, 2008
Publicly Available Date May 2, 2008
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 364
Issue 3
Pages 891-898
Keywords Accretion discs, Instabilities, Radiation mechanisms, Thermal binaries, X-rays.
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