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High-redshift radio-quiet quasars: Exploring the parameter space of accretion models. I. Hot semispherical flow

Sobolewska, M.A.; Siemiginowska, A.; Zycki, P.T.


M.A. Sobolewska

A. Siemiginowska

P.T. Zycki


Two families of models are currently considered to describe an accretion flow onto black holes and production of the observed X-ray radiation: (1) a standard cold accretion disk with a hot corona above it and (2) an outer truncated accretion disk with a hot semispherical inner flow. We compute spectra in the scenario with a hot inner flow surrounded by a truncated accretion disk covered by a hot corona and test the results on a sample of high-redshift (z > 4) quasars observed with Chandra. We find that in order to reproduce the ratio of optical to X-ray fluxes (the ox parameter), the optical depth of the Comptonizing plasma has to be rather low ( = 0.020.25 in the corona above the disk, and = 0.100.70 in the hot inner flow). This, together with the observed X-ray photon indices, implies either a high temperature in a thermal plasma (kTe = 90500 keV) or a nonthermal electron distribution in the plasma. We put an upper limit on the disk truncation radius, rtr 40RS. The modeled accretion rate is high, > 0.2Edd, which may suggest that high-z radio-quiet quasars are analogs of X-ray binaries in their high or very high state.


Sobolewska, M., Siemiginowska, A., & Zycki, P. (2004). High-redshift radio-quiet quasars: Exploring the parameter space of accretion models. I. Hot semispherical flow. Astrophysical Journal, 608(1), 80-94.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2004-06
Deposit Date May 20, 2008
Journal Astrophysical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-637X
Electronic ISSN 1538-4357
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 608
Issue 1
Pages 80-94
Keywords Accretion disks, Galaxies, High-redshift quasars, X-rays.
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