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Zen Buddhism and the Intrinsic Value of Nature

James, Simon P.



Part I It is a perennial theme in the literature on environmental ethics that the exploitation of the environment is the result of a blindness to (or perhaps a refusal to recognize) the intrinsic value of natural beings. The general story here is that Western traditions of thought have tended to accord natural beings value only to the extent that they prove useful to humans, that they have tended to see nature as only instrumentally valuable. By contrast, it is said that a new, environmentally friendly understanding of the world would value nature ‘for its own sake’, would conceive natural beings as having intrinsic value. In the light of such an understanding, the oak tree, for instance, would be seen not merely as a source of timber or shade or as a decoration for the front lawn, but as valuable ‘in itself’, as having an intrinsic value that ought to be respected (see further, O'Neill 1993, chapter 2).


James, S. P. (2003). Zen Buddhism and the Intrinsic Value of Nature. Contemporary Buddhism, 4(2), 143-157.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2003
Journal Contemporary Buddhism
Print ISSN 1463-9947
Electronic ISSN 1476-7953
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Issue 2
Pages 143-157
Keywords Zen Buddhism, intrinsic value, environmental ethics.
Public URL