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Translocation of small heat shock proteins to the actin cytoskeletonupon proteasomal inhibition

Verschuure, P; Croes, Y; van den IJssel, PRLA; Quinlan, RA; de Jong, WW; Boelens, WC


P Verschuure

Y Croes

PRLA van den IJssel

WW de Jong

WC Boelens


Verschuure, P., Croes, Y., van den IJssel, P., Quinlan, R., de Jong, W., & Boelens, W. (2002). Translocation of small heat shock proteins to the actin cytoskeletonupon proteasomal inhibition. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 34(2), 117-128

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2002-02
Journal Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Print ISSN 0022-2828
Electronic ISSN 1095-8584
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 34
Issue 2
Pages 117-128
Keywords small heat shock proteins; alpha-crystallin; relocalization;proteasome; MG132; actin stress fibers; H9c2; green fluorescent proteinALPHA-B-CRYSTALLIN; MOLECULAR CHAPERONE; STRESS CONDITIONS; HSP27;PROTECTION; FILAMENTS; APOPTOSIS; FAMILY; CELLS; HEAT-SHOC
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