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Curve subdivision with arc-length control.

Hernandez-Mederos, Victoria; Estrada-Sarlabous, Jorge; Morales, Silvio; Ivrissimtzis, Ioannis


Victoria Hernandez-Mederos

Jorge Estrada-Sarlabous

Silvio Morales


In this paper we present a new nonstationary, interpolatory, curve subdivision scheme. We show that the scheme converges and the subdivision curve is continuous. Moreover, starting with the chord length parametrization of the initial polygon, we obtain a subdivision curve parametrized by a multiple of the arc-length. The proposed method focuses on convexity preservation, limiting the oscillations of the subdivision curve and avoiding artifacts. A bound for the Hausdorff distance between the limit curve and the initial polygon is also obtained.


Hernandez-Mederos, V., Estrada-Sarlabous, J., Morales, S., & Ivrissimtzis, I. (2009). Curve subdivision with arc-length control. Computing, 86(2-3), 151-169.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2009-10
Journal Computing
Print ISSN 0010-485X
Electronic ISSN 1436-5057
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 86
Issue 2-3
Pages 151-169
Keywords Subdivision curves; Arc-length
Public URL