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Impact of wavefront distortion and scattering on 2-photon microscopy in mammalian brain tissue.

Chaigneau, Emmanuelle; Wright, Amanda J.; Poland, Simon P.; Girkin, John M.; Silver, R. Angus


Emmanuelle Chaigneau

Amanda J. Wright

Simon P. Poland

R. Angus Silver


Two-photon (2P) microscopy is widely used in neuroscience, but the optical properties of brain tissue are poorly understood. We have investigated the effect of brain tissue on the 2P point spread function (PSF2P) by imaging fluorescent beads through living cortical slices. By combining this with measurements of the mean free path of the excitation light, adaptive optics and vector-based modeling that includes phase modulation and scattering, we show that tissue-induced wavefront distortions are the main determinant of enlargement and distortion of the PSF2P at intermediate imaging depths. Furthermore, they generate surrounding lobes that contain more than half of the 2P excitation. These effects reduce the resolution of fine structures and contrast and they, together with scattering, limit 2P excitation. Our results disentangle the contributions of scattering and wavefront distortion in shaping the cortical PSF2P, thereby providing a basis for improved 2P microscopy.


Chaigneau, E., Wright, A. J., Poland, S. P., Girkin, J. M., & Silver, R. A. (2011). Impact of wavefront distortion and scattering on 2-photon microscopy in mammalian brain tissue. Optics Express, 19(23), 22755-22774.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 9, 2011
Publication Date 2011-11
Deposit Date Nov 8, 2011
Journal Optics Express
Electronic ISSN 1094-4087
Publisher Optica
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Issue 23
Pages 22755-22774
Public URL