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Creating a Self-configuring Finite State Machine out of Memory Look-up Tables

Schiefer, Philipp; McWilliam, Richard; Purvis, Alan

Creating a Self-configuring Finite State Machine out of Memory Look-up Tables Thumbnail


Philipp Schiefer

Richard McWilliam


A finite state machine (FSM) is one of the most used digital logic applications in today's electrical systems. An FSM can be implemented in electrical systems based on programmable logic devices (PLD) or combinatorial logic platforms. Both platforms for a FSM contain advantages and restrictions for the hardware and software design. In regards of coding, FSM can be coded in alternatives styles and programming languages. In this paper we introduce the concept of a self-configuring FSM based on coding data as memory look-up tables. The resulting FSM is then able to self-configure the combinatorial logic of this FSM required to perform the compulsory state sequence. The primary benefit of using memory based look-up table (LUT) FSM is that well established data error correction methods can be applied to protect the FSM behavior, even in the event of single error events (SEE). A high level hardware design of this FSM will be presented in comparison to a PLD FSM implementation.


Schiefer, P., McWilliam, R., & Purvis, A. (2013). Creating a Self-configuring Finite State Machine out of Memory Look-up Tables. Procedia CIRP, 11, 363-366.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Sep 27, 2013
Deposit Date Jun 4, 2015
Publicly Available Date Oct 30, 2015
Journal Procedia CIRP
Print ISSN 2212-8271
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Pages 363-366
Keywords Finite state machine, Memory look-up tables.
Public URL


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