Wolfgang Altmannshofer
A facility to search for hidden particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case.
Altmannshofer, Wolfgang; Asaka, Takehiko; Batell, Brian; Bezrukov, Fedor; Bondarenko, Kyrylo; Boyarsky, Alexey; Choi, Ki-Young; Corral, Cristóbal; Craig, Nathaniel; Curtin, David; Davidson, Sacha; de Gouvêa, André; Dell’Oro, Stefano; deNiverville, Patrick; Bhupal Dev, P.S.; Dreiner, Herbi; Drewes, Marco; Eijima, Shintaro; Essig, Rouven; Fradette, Anthony; Garbrecht, Björn; Gavela, Belen; Giudice, Gian F.; Goodsell, Mark D.; Gorbunov, Dmitry; Gori, Stefania; Grojean, Christophe; Guffanti, Alberto; Hambye, Thomas; Hansen, Steen H.; Helo, Juan Carlos; Hernandez, Pilar; Ibarra, Alejandro; Ivashko, Artem; Izaguirre, Eder; Jaeckel, Joerg; Jeong, Yu Seon; Kahlhoefer, Felix; Kahn, Yonatan; Katz, Andrey; Kim, Choong Sun; Kovalenko, Sergey; Krnjaic, Gordan; Lyubovitskij, Valery E.; Marcocci, Simone; Mccullough, Matthew; McKeen, David; Mitselmakher, Guenakh; Moch, Sven-Olaf; Mohapatra, Rabindra N.; Morrissey, David E.; Ovchynnikov, Maksym; Paschos, Emmanuel; Pilaftsis, Apostolos; Pospelov, Maxim;...
Takehiko Asaka
Brian Batell
Fedor Bezrukov
Kyrylo Bondarenko
Alexey Boyarsky
Ki-Young Choi
Cristóbal Corral
Nathaniel Craig
David Curtin
Sacha Davidson
André de Gouvêa
Stefano Dell’Oro
Patrick deNiverville
P.S. Bhupal Dev
Herbi Dreiner
Marco Drewes
Shintaro Eijima
Rouven Essig
Anthony Fradette
Björn Garbrecht
Belen Gavela
Gian F. Giudice
Mark D. Goodsell
Dmitry Gorbunov
Stefania Gori
Christophe Grojean
Alberto Guffanti
Thomas Hambye
Steen H. Hansen
Juan Carlos Helo
Pilar Hernandez
Alejandro Ibarra
Artem Ivashko
Eder Izaguirre
Joerg Jaeckel
Yu Seon Jeong
Felix Kahlhoefer
Yonatan Kahn
Andrey Katz
Choong Sun Kim
Sergey Kovalenko
Gordan Krnjaic
Valery E. Lyubovitskij
Simone Marcocci
Matthew Mccullough
David McKeen
Guenakh Mitselmakher
Sven-Olaf Moch
Rabindra N. Mohapatra
David E. Morrissey
Maksym Ovchynnikov
Emmanuel Paschos
Apostolos Pilaftsis
Maxim Pospelov
Mary Hall Reno
Andreas Ringwald
Adam Ritz
Leszek Roszkowski
Valery Rubakov
Oleg Ruchayskiy
Ingo Schienbein
Daniel Schmeier
Kai Schmidt-Hoberg
Pedro Schwaller
Goran Senjanovic
Osamu Seto
Mikhail Shaposhnikov
Lesya Shchutska
Jessie Shelton
Robert Shrock
Brian Shuve
Professor Michael Spannowsky michael.spannowsky@durham.ac.uk
Andy Spray
Florian Staub
Daniel Stolarski
Matt Strassler
Vladimir Tello
Francesco Tramontano
Anurag Tripathi
Sean Tulin
Francesco Vissani
Martin W. Winkler
Kathryn M. Zurek
The standard model of elementary particle physics has provided a consistent description of Nature's fundamental constituents and their interactions. Its predictions have been tested and confirmed by numerous experiments. The Large Hadron Collider's runs at 7 and 8 TeV culminated in the discovery of a Higgs boson-like particle with the mass of about 126 GeV—the last critical standard model component [1–5]. Thus for the first time we are in the situation when all the particles, needed to explain the results of all previous accelerator experiments have been found. At the same time, no significant deviations from the standard model were found in direct or in indirect searches for new physics (see e.g. the summary of the recent search results in [6–25] and most up-to-date information at [26–29]). For this particular value of the Higgs mass it is possible that the standard model remains mathematically consistent and valid as an effective field theory up to a very high energy scale, possibly all the way to the scale of quantum gravity, the Planck scale [30–32].
Altmannshofer, W., Asaka, T., Batell, B., Bezrukov, F., Bondarenko, K., Boyarsky, A., …Zurek, K. M. (2016). A facility to search for hidden particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case. Reports on Progress in Physics, 79(12), Article 124201. https://doi.org/10.1088/0034-4885/79/12/124201
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jan 18, 2016 |
Online Publication Date | Oct 24, 2016 |
Publication Date | 2016-12 |
Deposit Date | Nov 10, 2016 |
Journal | Reports on Progress in Physics |
Print ISSN | 0034-4885 |
Electronic ISSN | 1361-6633 |
Publisher | IOP Publishing |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 79 |
Issue | 12 |
Article Number | 124201 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1088/0034-4885/79/12/124201 |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1393624 |
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