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Towards the next generation of simplified Dark Matter models

Albert, Andreas; Bauer, Martin; Brooke, Jim; Buchmueller, Oliver; Cerdeño, David G.; Citron, Matthew; Davies, Gavin; de Cosa, Annapaola; De Roeck, Albert; De Simone, Andrea; Du Pree, Tristan; Flaecher, Henning; Fairbairn, Malcolm; Ellis, John; Grohsjean, Alexander; Hahn, Kristian; Haisch, Ulrich; Harris, Philip C.; Khoze, Valentin V.; Landsberg, Greg; McCabe, Christopher; Penning, Bjoern; Sanz, Veronica; Schwanenberger, Christian; Scott, Pat; Wardle, Nicholas

Towards the next generation of simplified Dark Matter models Thumbnail


Andreas Albert

Martin Bauer

Jim Brooke

Oliver Buchmueller

David G. Cerdeño

Matthew Citron

Gavin Davies

Annapaola de Cosa

Albert De Roeck

Andrea De Simone

Tristan Du Pree

Henning Flaecher

Malcolm Fairbairn

John Ellis

Alexander Grohsjean

Kristian Hahn

Ulrich Haisch

Philip C. Harris

Greg Landsberg

Christopher McCabe

Bjoern Penning

Veronica Sanz

Christian Schwanenberger

Pat Scott

Nicholas Wardle


This White Paper is an input to the ongoing discussion about the extension and refinement of simplified Dark Matter (DM) models. It is not intended as a comprehensive review of the discussed subjects, but instead summarises ideas and concepts arising from a brainstorming workshop that can be useful when defining the next generation of simplified DM models (SDMM). In this spirit, based on two concrete examples, we show how existing SDMM can be extended to provide a more accurate and comprehensive framework to interpret and characterise collider searches. In the first example we extend the canonical SDMM with a scalar mediator to include mixing with the Higgs boson. We show that this approach not only provides a better description of the underlying kinematic properties that a complete model would possess, but also offers the option of using this more realistic class of scalar mixing models to compare and combine consistently searches based on different experimental signatures. The second example outlines how a new physics signal observed in a visible channel can be connected to DM by extending a simplified model including effective couplings. In the next part of the White Paper we outline other interesting options for SDMM that could be studied in more detail in the future. Finally, we review important aspects of supersymmetric models for DM and use them to propose how to develop more complete SDMMs. This White Paper is a summary of the brainstorming meeting “Next generation of simplified Dark Matter models” that took place at Imperial College, London on May 6, 2016, and corresponding follow-up studies on selected subjects.


Albert, A., Bauer, M., Brooke, J., Buchmueller, O., Cerdeño, D. G., Citron, M., …Wardle, N. (2017). Towards the next generation of simplified Dark Matter models. Physics of the Dark Universe, 16, 49-70.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 7, 2017
Online Publication Date Feb 9, 2017
Publication Date Feb 9, 2017
Deposit Date May 16, 2017
Publicly Available Date Feb 9, 2018
Journal Physics of the Dark Universe
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 16
Pages 49-70
Public URL
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