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Constraints on dark photons and axionlike particles from the SuperCDMS Soudan experiment

Aralis, T.; Aramaki, T.; Arnquist, I. J.; Azadbakht, E.; Baker, W.; Banik, S.; Barker, D.; Bathurst, C.; Bauer, D. A.; Bezerra, L. V. S.; Bhattacharyya, R.; Binder, T.; Bowles, M. A.; Brink, P. L.; Bunker, R.; Cabrera, B.; Calkins, R.; Cameron, R. A.; Cartaro, C.; Cerdeño, D. G.; Chang, Y.-Y.; Cooley, J.; Coombes, H.; Corbett, J.; Cornell, B.; Cushman, P.; De Brienne, F.; di Vacri, M. L.; Diamond, M. D.; Fascione, E.; Figueroa-Feliciano, E.; Fink, C. W.; Fouts, K.; Fritts, M.; Gerbier, G.; Germond, R.; Ghaith, M.; Golwala, S. R.; Harris, H. R.; Herbert, N.; Hines, B. A.; Hollister, M. I.; Hong, Z.; Hoppe, E. W.; Hsu, L.; Huber, M. E.; Iyer, V.; Jardin, D.; Jastram, A.; Kelsey, M. H.; Kennedy, A.; Kubik, A.; Kurinsky, N. A.; Lawrence, R. E.; Li, A.; Loer, B.; Lopez Asamar, E.; Lukens, P.; MacDonell, D.; MacFarlane, D. B.; Mahapatra, R.; Mandic, V.; Mast, N.; Michaud, É. M.; Michielin, E.; Mirabolfathi, N.; Mohanty, B.; Morales Mendoza, J. D.; Nagorny, S.; Nelson, J.; Neog, H.; Orrell, J...

Constraints on dark photons and axionlike particles from the SuperCDMS Soudan experiment Thumbnail


T. Aralis

T. Aramaki

I. J. Arnquist

E. Azadbakht

W. Baker

S. Banik

D. Barker

C. Bathurst

D. A. Bauer

L. V. S. Bezerra

R. Bhattacharyya

T. Binder

M. A. Bowles

P. L. Brink

R. Bunker

B. Cabrera

R. Calkins

R. A. Cameron

C. Cartaro

D. G. Cerdeño

Y.-Y. Chang

J. Cooley

H. Coombes

J. Corbett

B. Cornell

P. Cushman

F. De Brienne

M. L. di Vacri

M. D. Diamond

E. Fascione

E. Figueroa-Feliciano

C. W. Fink

K. Fouts

M. Fritts

G. Gerbier

R. Germond

M. Ghaith

S. R. Golwala

H. R. Harris

N. Herbert

B. A. Hines

M. I. Hollister

Z. Hong

E. W. Hoppe

L. Hsu

M. E. Huber

V. Iyer

D. Jardin

A. Jastram

M. H. Kelsey

A. Kennedy

A. Kubik

N. A. Kurinsky

R. E. Lawrence

A. Li

B. Loer

E. Lopez Asamar

P. Lukens

D. MacDonell

D. B. MacFarlane

R. Mahapatra

V. Mandic

N. Mast

É. M. Michaud

E. Michielin

N. Mirabolfathi

B. Mohanty

J. D. Morales Mendoza

S. Nagorny

J. Nelson

H. Neog

J. L. Orrell

S. M. Oser

W. A. Page

P. Pakarha

R. Partridge

R. Podviianiuk

F. Ponce

S. Poudel

M. Pyle

W. Rau

R. Ren

T. Reynolds

A. Roberts

A. E. Robinson

H. E. Rogers

T. Saab

B. Sadoulet

J. Sander

R. W. Schnee

S. Scorza

K. Senapati

B. Serfass

D. J. Sincavage

C. Stanford

M. Stein

J. Street

D. Toback

R. Underwood

S. Verma

A. N. Villano

B. von Krosigk

S. L. Watkins

L. Wills

J. S. Wilson

M. J. Wilson

J. Winchell

D. H. Wright

S. Yellin

B. A. Young

T. C. Yu

E. Zhang

X. Zhao

L. Zheng


We present an analysis of electron recoils in cryogenic germanium detectors operated during the SuperCDMS Soudan experiment. The data are used to set new constraints on the axioelectric coupling of axionlike particles and the kinetic mixing parameter of dark photons, assuming the respective species constitutes all of the galactic dark matter. This study covers the mass range from 40 eV=c2 to 500 keV=c2 for both candidates, excluding previously untested parameter space for masses below ∼1 keV=c2 . For the kinetic mixing of dark photons, values below 10−15 are reached for particle masses around 100 eV=c2; for the axioelectric coupling of axionlike particles, values below 10−12 are reached for particles with masses in the range of a few-hundred eV=c2.


Aralis, T., Aramaki, T., Arnquist, I., Azadbakht, E., Baker, W., Banik, S., Barker, D., Bathurst, C., Bauer, D., Bezerra, L., Bhattacharyya, R., Binder, T., Bowles, M., Brink, P., Bunker, R., Cabrera, B., Calkins, R., Cameron, R., Cartaro, C., Cerdeño, D., …Zheng, L. (2020). Constraints on dark photons and axionlike particles from the SuperCDMS Soudan experiment. Physical Review D, 101(5), Article 052008.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 26, 2020
Online Publication Date Mar 17, 2020
Publication Date Mar 1, 2020
Deposit Date Apr 8, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 8, 2020
Journal Physical Review D
Print ISSN 2470-0010
Electronic ISSN 2470-0029
Publisher American Physical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 101
Issue 5
Article Number 052008
Public URL


Published Journal Article (1.9 Mb)

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Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

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