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A low resource subglacial bedrock sampler: The percussive rapid access isotope drill (P-RAID)

Timoney, Ryan; Worrall, Kevin; Firstbrook, David; Harkness, Patrick; Rix, Julius; Ashurst, Daniel; Mulvaney, Robert; Bentley, Michael J.

A low resource subglacial bedrock sampler: The percussive rapid access isotope drill (P-RAID) Thumbnail


Ryan Timoney

Kevin Worrall

David Firstbrook

Patrick Harkness

Julius Rix

Daniel Ashurst

Robert Mulvaney


The paleoclimate community has an interest in distributed subglacial bedrock sampling but, while capable drill systems do exist, they are often incompatible with Twin Otter logistics. To address this issue, a design built on the existing low footprint ice-sampler, the Rapid Access Isotope Drill (RAID) is investigated. The new device will retain key features of the parent system, but the ice drilling elements of the RAID will be replaced by a self-contained rotary-percussive core-drill capable of penetrating ice-consolidated and rocky terrain at and below the ice/rock interface. This new front-end will only be deployed once the interface itself has been attained, providing a pristine core sample from the underlying terrain. The proposed Percussive Rapid Access Isotope Drill (P-RAID) has been inspired by planetary drilling technologies to allow autonomous operations at the bottom of the hole. This paper details the development and testing of the proof-of-concept hardware. The mechanical and electrical design challenges encountered, and the results obtained from a series of prolonged cold chamber tests will be discussed, alongside lessons learned from initial testing in Antarctica.


Timoney, R., Worrall, K., Firstbrook, D., Harkness, P., Rix, J., Ashurst, D., Mulvaney, R., & Bentley, M. J. (2020). A low resource subglacial bedrock sampler: The percussive rapid access isotope drill (P-RAID). Cold Regions Science and Technology, 177, Article 103113.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 1, 2020
Online Publication Date Jun 3, 2020
Publication Date 2020-09
Deposit Date Jun 7, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jun 24, 2020
Journal Cold Regions Science and Technology
Print ISSN 0165-232X
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 177
Article Number 103113
Public URL


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