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Can Trade Credit Rejuvenate Islamic Banking?

Jatmiko, Wahyu; Ebrahim, M. Shahid; Iqbal, Abdullah; Wojakowski, Rafal M.

Can Trade Credit Rejuvenate Islamic Banking? Thumbnail


Wahyu Jatmiko

Abdullah Iqbal

Rafal M. Wojakowski


This study proposes a renewal of the contemporary Islamic banking Murabaha financing model as it aggravates financial fragility with waning economic efficiency. We adapt the working capital framework of successful US companies like Amazon and Walmart and model an innovative Murabaha facility as trade credit within the real sector of the economy. We then test its robustness in a range of simulation tests. Our approach is novel and stands in contrast to the familiar financial sector fixed-income facilities, characteristic of Western economies, stealthily mimicked as mark-up (interest rate based) Murabaha by Islamic banks. We argue that this is neither appropriate nor effective for Islamic economies, making them fragile under monetary pressures in crises like the current coronavirus and energy ones. Our simulation results indicate that the trade credit Murabaha not only transforms debt into a risk-sharing one but also offers more competitive financing rates, reduces systemic risk, and improves financial stability. Furthermore, our results imply that the trade credit Murabaha can increase the efficiency of Islamic financial systems and make them more resilient to shocks. Consequently, this paper discusses the integration of our novel Murabaha within a recreated architecture of Universal Banking. As an implication, this should promote business activity and contribute to global growth. Finally, we recommend how to deploy our novel Murabaha based on trade credit (as opposed to the currently deployed fixed-income-mimicked Murabaha) to alleviate twin agency debt costs (risk shifting, underinvestment) and solve the ownership transfer problem of modern Islamic banking.


Jatmiko, W., Ebrahim, M. S., Iqbal, A., & Wojakowski, R. M. (2023). Can Trade Credit Rejuvenate Islamic Banking?. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60(1), 111-146.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 23, 2022
Online Publication Date Sep 15, 2022
Publication Date 2023-01
Deposit Date Jul 25, 2022
Publicly Available Date Feb 3, 2023
Journal Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
Print ISSN 0924-865X
Electronic ISSN 1573-7179
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 60
Issue 1
Pages 111-146
Public URL


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