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Rationale and recommendations on decolonising the pedagogy and curriculum of the Law School at the University of Exeter

Ohana, Natalie; Barazi, Taimaa; Barrett, David; Bedeau, Jasmin; Bhuckory, Prerna; Bosch, Greta; Braham, James; Coombs, Connor; Gola, Swati; Jaber, Nora; Hailemariam, Hanna; Lambert, Zoe; Lawrence, Rebecca; Loder, Louise; Marshall, Emma; Matt, Tia; Nousia, Kyriaki; Ozsoy, Elif Ceylan; Phiri, Tamira; Rogge, Malcolm; Sedacca, Natalie; Snook, Lee; Thiemann, Inga; Wallace, Andrea; Walsh, Karen

Rationale and recommendations on decolonising the pedagogy and curriculum of the Law School at the University of Exeter Thumbnail


Natalie Ohana

Taimaa Barazi

David Barrett

Jasmin Bedeau

Prerna Bhuckory

Greta Bosch

James Braham

Connor Coombs

Swati Gola

Nora Jaber

Hanna Hailemariam

Zoe Lambert

Rebecca Lawrence

Louise Loder

Emma Marshall

Tia Matt

Kyriaki Nousia

Elif Ceylan Ozsoy

Tamira Phiri

Malcolm Rogge

Lee Snook

Inga Thiemann

Andrea Wallace

Karen Walsh


This report outlines the rationale behind and recommendations on the steps that need to be taken towards decolonising the Law School's pedagogy and curriculum. The reason is that we see decolonisation as not something that can be achieved but as an ongoing process. It concludes a two-year process of research and discussions involving a joint effort between staff and students. A rationale for a change in approach to both pedagogy and curriculum is presented together with recommendations and practical examples of how this might be achieved in modular teaching in the Law School.


Ohana, N., Barazi, T., Barrett, D., Bedeau, J., Bhuckory, P., Bosch, G., Braham, J., Coombs, C., Gola, S., Jaber, N., Hailemariam, H., Lambert, Z., Lawrence, R., Loder, L., Marshall, E., Matt, T., Nousia, K., Ozsoy, E. C., Phiri, T., Rogge, M., …Walsh, K. (2022). Rationale and recommendations on decolonising the pedagogy and curriculum of the Law School at the University of Exeter. The Law Teacher, 56(4), 536-551.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 17, 2022
Online Publication Date Jan 18, 2023
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Jan 24, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 24, 2023
Journal The Law Teacher
Print ISSN 0306-9400
Electronic ISSN 1943-0353
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 56
Issue 4
Pages 536-551
Public URL


Published Journal Article (656 Kb)

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© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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