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Models of Demoicracy: Some Preliminary Thoughts

Schütze, Robert



What does the neologism demoicracy mean? If democracy is the “government” of the “people”, can there be a government of peoples? Are international organisations, like the United Nations, demoicracies; or should the United Kingdom, as a multi-nation state, be viewed as such? Within the last decade, the idea of demoicracy has developed considerable traction, especially within the political science literature on the European Union. Yet what exactly is demoicracy supposed to mean in this context; and what models of demoicracy have developed to explain the “realities” of a plurality of peoples governing together? This Working Paper aims to explore the theoretical and historical expressions of the curious concept of demoicracy. Section 1 starts by clarifying two important philosophical distinctions, namely the difference between popular sovereignty and popular government and, equally, the distinction between an (international) Union of States and a (national) Union State. Sections 2 offers a constitutional overview of the potentially demoicratic elements within the United States of America; while Section 3 analyses and compares the founding and government of the European Union in demoicratic terms. Section 4 critically presents the three main models of demoicracy that have developed in the contemporary literature on the European Union, with Section 5 introducing a – new – fourth model called “republican federalism”. A Conclusion makes a normative argument in favour of this fourth model from the point of view of the social and legal structure of the European Union.


Schütze, R. Models of Demoicracy: Some Preliminary Thoughts

Working Paper Type Working Paper
Acceptance Date Jul 20, 2020
Online Publication Date Jul 22, 2020
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2020
Public URL
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