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SWIFT: Fast algorithms for multi-resolution SPH on multi-core architectures

Gonnet, P.; Schaller, M.; Theuns, T.; Chalk, A.B.G.


P. Gonnet

A.B.G. Chalk


This paper describes a novel approach to neighbour-finding in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations with large dynamic range in smoothing length. This approach is based on hierarchical cell decompositions, sorted interactions, and a task-based formulation. It is shown to be faster than traditional tree-based codes, and to scale better than domain decomposition-based approaches on shared-memory parallel architectures such as multi-cores.


Gonnet, P., Schaller, M., Theuns, T., & Chalk, A. (2013, December). SWIFT: Fast algorithms for multi-resolution SPH on multi-core architectures. Presented at 8th International SPHERIC Workshop, Trondheim, Norway

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 8th International SPHERIC Workshop
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Jun 19, 2013
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