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Swift: A modern highly-parallel gravity and smoothed particle hydrodynamics solver for astrophysical and cosmological applications

Schaller, Matthieu; Borrow, Josh; Draper, Peter W; Ivkovic, Mladen; McAlpine, Stuart; Vandenbroucke, Bert; Bahé, Yannick; Chaikin, Evgenii; Chalk, Aidan B G; Chan, Tsang Keung; Correa, Camila; van Daalen, Marcel; Elbers, Willem; Gonnet, Pedro; Hausammann, Loïc; Helly, John; Huško, Filip; Kegerreis, Jacob A; Nobels, Folkert S J; Ploeckinger, Sylvia; Revaz, Yves; Roper, William J; Ruiz-Bonilla, Sergio; Sandnes, Thomas D; Uyttenhove, Yolan; Willis, James S; Xiang, Zhen

Swift: A modern highly-parallel gravity and smoothed particle hydrodynamics solver for astrophysical and cosmological applications Thumbnail


Josh Borrow

Mladen Ivkovic
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Stuart McAlpine

Bert Vandenbroucke

Yannick Bahé

Evgenii Chaikin

Aidan B G Chalk

Camila Correa

Marcel van Daalen

Profile image of Willem Elbers

Willem Elbers
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Pedro Gonnet

Loïc Hausammann

Profile image of Filip Husko

Filip Husko
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy

Folkert S J Nobels

Sylvia Ploeckinger

Yves Revaz

William J Roper

Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla

Profile image of Thomas Sandnes

Thomas Sandnes
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy

Yolan Uyttenhove

James S Willis

Zhen Xiang


Numerical simulations have become one of the key tools used by theorists in all the fields of astrophysics and cosmology. The development of modern tools that target the largest existing computing systems and exploit state-of-the-art numerical methods and algorithms is thus crucial. In this paper, we introduce the fully open-source highly-parallel, versatile, and modular coupled hydrodynamics, gravity, cosmology, and galaxy-formation code Swift. The software package exploits hybrid shared- and distributed-memory task-based parallelism, asynchronous communications, and domain-decomposition algorithms based on balancing the workload, rather than the data, to efficiently exploit modern high-performance computing cluster architectures. Gravity is solved for using a fast-multipole-method, optionally coupled to a particle mesh solver in Fourier space to handle periodic volumes. For gas evolution, multiple modern flavours of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics are implemented. Swiftalso evolves neutrinos using a state-of-the-art particle-based method. Two complementary networks of sub-grid models for galaxy formation as well as extensions to simulate planetary physics are also released as part of the code. An extensive set of output options, including snapshots, light-cones, power spectra, and a coupling to structure finders are also included. We describe the overall code architecture, summarise the consistency and accuracy tests that were performed, and demonstrate the excellent weak-scaling performance of the code using a representative cosmological hydrodynamical problem with ≈300 billion particles. The code is released to the community alongside extensive documentation for both users and developers, a large selection of example test problems, and a suite of tools to aid in the analysis of large simulations run with Swift.


Schaller, M., Borrow, J., Draper, P. W., Ivkovic, M., McAlpine, S., Vandenbroucke, B., Bahé, Y., Chaikin, E., Chalk, A. B. G., Chan, T. K., Correa, C., van Daalen, M., Elbers, W., Gonnet, P., Hausammann, L., Helly, J., Huško, F., Kegerreis, J. A., Nobels, F. S. J., Ploeckinger, S., …Xiang, Z. (2024). Swift: A modern highly-parallel gravity and smoothed particle hydrodynamics solver for astrophysical and cosmological applications. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(2), 2378–2419.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 27, 2024
Online Publication Date Mar 29, 2024
Publication Date 2024-05
Deposit Date Apr 5, 2024
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2024
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 530
Issue 2
Pages 2378–2419
Keywords Space and Planetary Science; Astronomy and Astrophysics
Public URL


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