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Outputs (439)

The Quasar Feedback Survey: characterizing CO excitation in quasar host galaxies (2023)
Journal Article
Alexander, D., Calistro Rivera, G., De Breuck, C., Harrison, C. M., Mainieri, V., Lundgren, A., …Smit, R. (2024). The Quasar Feedback Survey: characterizing CO excitation in quasar host galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 4420–4439.

We present a comprehensive study of the molecular gas properties of 17Type 2 quasars at z <0.2 from the Quasar Feedback Survey
(L[O III] > 1042.1 ergs−1), selected by their high [O III] luminosities and displaying a large diversity of radio jet prop... Read More about The Quasar Feedback Survey: characterizing CO excitation in quasar host galaxies.

Identifying spin properties of evaporating black holes through asymmetric neutrino and photon emission (2023)
Journal Article
Perez-Gonzalez, Y. F. (2023). Identifying spin properties of evaporating black holes through asymmetric neutrino and photon emission. Physical Review D, 108, Article 083014.

Kerr black holes radiate neutrinos in an asymmetric pattern, preferentially in the lower hemisphere relative to the black hole’s rotation axis, while antineutrinos are predominantly produced in the upper hemisphere. Leveraging this asymmetric emissio... Read More about Identifying spin properties of evaporating black holes through asymmetric neutrino and photon emission.

The FLAMINGO project: revisiting the S8 tension and the role of baryonic physics (2023)
Journal Article
Elbers, W., Helly, J., Frenk, C., McCarthy, I. G., Salcido, J., Schaye, J., …Upadhye, A. (2023). The FLAMINGO project: revisiting the S8 tension and the role of baryonic physics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 5494–5519.

A number of recent studies have found evidence for a tension between observations of large-scale structure (LSS) and the predictions of the standard model of cosmology with the cosmological parameters fit to the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The... Read More about The FLAMINGO project: revisiting the S8 tension and the role of baryonic physics.

Constraints on thermal conductivity in the merging cluster Abell 2146 (2023)
Journal Article
Edge, A., Laferriere, A. R., Russell, H. R., Fabian, A. C., Chadayammuri, U., Reynolds, C. S., …Sanders, J. S. (2023). Constraints on thermal conductivity in the merging cluster Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 6205-6213.

The cluster of galaxies Abell 2146 is undergoing a major merger and is an ideal cluster to study intracluster medium (ICM) physics, as it has a simple geometry with the merger axis in the plane of the sky, its distance allows us to resolve features a... Read More about Constraints on thermal conductivity in the merging cluster Abell 2146.

Numerical scattering amplitudes with pySecDec (2023)
Journal Article
Heinrich, G., Jones, S., Kerner, M., Magerya, V., Olsson, A., & Schlenk, J. (2024). Numerical scattering amplitudes with pySecDec. Computer Physics Communications, 295, Article 108956.

We present a major update of the program pySecDec, a toolbox for the evaluation of dimensionally regulated parameter integrals. The new version enables the evaluation of multi-loop integrals as well as amplitudes in a highly distributed and flexible... Read More about Numerical scattering amplitudes with pySecDec.

Simultaneous quantification of Young’s modulus and dispersion forces with nanoscale spatial resolution (2023)
Journal Article
Cafolla, C., Voïtchovsky, K., & Payam, A. F. (2023). Simultaneous quantification of Young’s modulus and dispersion forces with nanoscale spatial resolution. Nanotechnology, 34(50), Article 505714.

Many advances in polymers and layered materials rely on a precise understanding of the local interactions between adjacent molecular or atomic layers. Quantifying dispersion forces at the nanoscale is particularly challenging with existing methods of... Read More about Simultaneous quantification of Young’s modulus and dispersion forces with nanoscale spatial resolution.

An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile (2023)
Journal Article
Ruan, C.-Z., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Eggemeier, A., Li, B., Baugh, C. M., Arnold, C., Bose, S., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Zarrouk, P., & Davies, C. T. (2024). An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(2), 2490–2507.

Constitutive model for the rheology of biological tissue (2023)
Journal Article
Fielding, S. M., Cochran, J. O., Huang, J., Bi, D., & Marchetti, M. C. (2023). Constitutive model for the rheology of biological tissue. Physical Review E, 108(4), Article L042602.

The rheology of biological tissue is key to processes such as embryo development, wound healing, and cancer metastasis. Vertex models of confluent tissue monolayers have uncovered a spontaneous liquid-solid transition tuned by cell shape; and a shear... Read More about Constitutive model for the rheology of biological tissue.

Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor (2023)
Journal Article
Wadenpfuhl, K., & Adams, C. S. (2023). Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor. Physical Review Letters, 131(14), Article 143002.

We observe synchronization in a thermal (35-60 °C) atomic (Rb) ensemble driven to a highly excited Rydberg state (principle quantum number n ranging from 43 to 79). Synchronization in this system is unexpected due to the atomic motion; however, we sh... Read More about Emergence of Synchronization in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapor.