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Outputs (28)

Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19 (2024)
Journal Article
Burgoyne, K., Hargreaves, S., Akhter, N., Cramman, H., Eerola, P., Einbeck, J., & Menzies, V. (online). Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19. JCPP Advances, Article e12279.

Background: Parents play a key role in their child's early development but evidence that parental engagement strategies are effective is unclear. The current study evaluated a parent‐delivered early language teaching programme that aimed to support c... Read More about Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19.

Independent evaluation of Maths Champions in nursery to develop children’s early numeracy: A two-armed cluster randomised controlled trial. Evaluation Report. (2024)
Robinson-Smith, L., Whiteside, K., Torgerson, C., Fairhurst, C., Podmore, D., Davill, T., Bell, K., Qi, X., Leggett, H., Elliott, L., Hewitt, C., Baird, K., Menzies, V., Torgerson, D., & Ainsworth, H. (2024). Independent evaluation of Maths Champions in nursery to develop children’s early numeracy: A two-armed cluster randomised controlled trial. Evaluation Report. Education Endowment Foundation

The impact of Covid-19 on the English education teaching and learning environment and how this relates to sustaining and developing creativity, creative thinking and teaching for creativity - A literature review (2021)
Cramman, H., Moger, P., & Menzies, V. (2021). The impact of Covid-19 on the English education teaching and learning environment and how this relates to sustaining and developing creativity, creative thinking and teaching for creativity - A literature review. [No known commissioning body]

The following literature review has been produced to inform and contribute to Arts Council England’s (ACE) interim report on the progress of the implementation of the recommendations made in the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education report. T... Read More about The impact of Covid-19 on the English education teaching and learning environment and how this relates to sustaining and developing creativity, creative thinking and teaching for creativity - A literature review.

Baseline Evaluation of the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education Report (2020)
Cramman, H., Menzies, V., Gray, H., Mee, D., & Eerola, P. (2020). Baseline Evaluation of the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education Report. [No known commissioning body]

The Durham Commission on Creativity and Education published its Report on 11/10/2019 (Durham Commission, 2019). The Report contained a set of ten Recommendations, which aimed to establish and sustain the conditions for nurturing creativity in educati... Read More about Baseline Evaluation of the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education Report.

EasyPeasy: Learning through play. Evaluation Report (2019)
Robinson-Smith, L., Menzies, V., Cramman, H., Wang, Y. (., Fairhurst, C., Hallett, S., …Siddiqui, N. (2019). EasyPeasy: Learning through play. Evaluation Report. [No known commissioning body]