Can improving the academic buoyancy of secondary school students improve their school attendance?
Book Chapter
Anderson, S. (2022). Can improving the academic buoyancy of secondary school students improve their school attendance?. In N. Siddiqui, & S. Gorard (Eds.), Making Your Doctoral Research Project Ambitious: Developing Large-Scale Studies with Real-World Impact (138-149). Routledge.
Outputs (2)
Promoting academic buoyancy as a pro-active approach for improving student mental health and wellbeing (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anderson, S. (2019, December). Promoting academic buoyancy as a pro-active approach for improving student mental health and wellbeing. Presented at Imagining Better Education, Durham, EnglandThis paper provides a rationale for undertaking a systematic review of the academic buoyancy construct which aims to answer four research questions: what is academic buoyancy?; Can academic buoyancy change?; How is academic buoyancy measured?; Do aca... Read More about Promoting academic buoyancy as a pro-active approach for improving student mental health and wellbeing.