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Outputs (16)

Analysis of Teacher Education policy in England (2010-2021) a Corpus based CDA approach (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridgway, R. (2024, November). Analysis of Teacher Education policy in England (2010-2021) a Corpus based CDA approach. Presented at Universities Council for Teacher Education (UCET) National Conference, Leeds

How do education policies in England construct teacher education? Is this distinct from previous education policy? Can we use new methods to discover discourses? Do education policies in England relate to global education trends? This project was pro... Read More about Analysis of Teacher Education policy in England (2010-2021) a Corpus based CDA approach.

Choice and control: corpus-based discourse analysis of teacher education policy in England (2010-2021) (2023)
Journal Article
Ridgway, R. (2023). Choice and control: corpus-based discourse analysis of teacher education policy in England (2010-2021). Cogent Education, 10(1), Article 2212118.

Education policy in recent years has dramatically repositioned the role and status of teachers, trainee teachers and teacher education in the UK and beyond. This paper focuses specifically on education policy in England; however, it has broader signi... Read More about Choice and control: corpus-based discourse analysis of teacher education policy in England (2010-2021).

Civic Statistics in context: mapping the global evidence ecosystem (2022)
Book Chapter
Ridgway, J., & Ridgway, R. (2022). Civic Statistics in context: mapping the global evidence ecosystem. In J. Ridgway (Ed.), Statistics for empowerment and social engagement: teaching Civic Statistics to develop informed citizens (581-607). Springer Verlag.

Human knowledge is not a coherent body of carefully structured knowledge, created by an expert group, and made accessible to others. Rather, it should be thought of as a dynamic ecosystem made up of creators and consumers connected in complex ways. H... Read More about Civic Statistics in context: mapping the global evidence ecosystem.

Covid-19 shows why we need Civic Statistics: illustrations and classroom activities (2022)
Book Chapter
Ridgway, J., & Ridgway, R. (2022). Covid-19 shows why we need Civic Statistics: illustrations and classroom activities. In J. Ridgway (Ed.), Statistics for empowerment and social engagement: teaching Civic Statistics to develop informed citizens (297-319). Springer Verlag.

There are few better examples than a pandemic to demonstrate the importance of, and need for, Civic Statistics. Every country affected by Covid-19 faces the threat of widespread deaths, economic damage, and social disruption. Citizens and governments... Read More about Covid-19 shows why we need Civic Statistics: illustrations and classroom activities.

Looking Back- Looking Forward; Statistics and the Data Science Tsunami (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridgway, J., Nicholson, J., & Ridgway, R. (2019, August). Looking Back- Looking Forward; Statistics and the Data Science Tsunami. Presented at ISI World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The discipline of statistics arose from pressing needs to address a variety of social and scientific problems. The founders of the Royal Statistical Society in the UK, and the American Statistical Association were very diverse in their backgrounds an... Read More about Looking Back- Looking Forward; Statistics and the Data Science Tsunami.

SEND Inclusion: Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, Theory and Practice. Some challenges and opportunities. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridgway, R. (2018, December). SEND Inclusion: Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, Theory and Practice. Some challenges and opportunities. Presented at Teacher Education Advancement Network, Birmingham, UK

Ridgway, R. (2018). SEND Inclusion: Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, theory and Practice. Some challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) 9th Conference: The Ambition of Teacher Education, Birmingham... Read More about SEND Inclusion: Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, Theory and Practice. Some challenges and opportunities..

Data Science for all: A stroll in the foothills (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridgway, J., Ridgway, R., & Nicholson, J. (2018, December). Data Science for all: A stroll in the foothills. Presented at International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Kyoto, Japan

Data science presents both opportunities and threats to conventional statistics courses. Opportunities include being at the bleeding edge of data analysis, and learning new ways to model phenomena; threats include the challenge of learning new skills... Read More about Data Science for all: A stroll in the foothills.