Is the order of learning numerals universal? Evidence from eight countries and six languages
Journal Article
Copping, L., Tymms, P., Aleksic, G., Bartholo, T., Howie, S. J., Campelo Koslinski, M., Merrell, C., Vidmar, M., & Wildy, H. (2024). Is the order of learning numerals universal? Evidence from eight countries and six languages. Cognitive Development, 69, Article 101391.
Outputs (81)
Absolute effects of schooling as a reference for the interpretation of educational intervention effects (2020)
Journal Article
Luyten, J., Merrell, C., & Tymms, P. (2020). Absolute effects of schooling as a reference for the interpretation of educational intervention effects. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67, Article 100939. of the absolute effects of schooling provides a useful reference for the interpretation of the effectiveness of educational interventions. We use discontinuities in test scores between the oldest pupils in one birth cohort and the youngest... Read More about Absolute effects of schooling as a reference for the interpretation of educational intervention effects.
The Use of Cognitive Instruments for Research in Early Childhood Education: Constraints and Possibilities in The Brazilian Context (2020)
Journal Article
Bartholo, T., Campelo Koslinski, M., da Costa, M., Tymms, P., Merrell, C., & Mendonça Barcellos, T. (2020). The Use of Cognitive Instruments for Research in Early Childhood Education: Constraints and Possibilities in The Brazilian Context. Pro-Posições, 31, Article e20180036.
EasyPeasy: Learning through play. Evaluation Report (2019)
Robinson-Smith, L., Menzies, V., Cramman, H., Wang, Y. (., Fairhurst, C., Hallett, S., …Siddiqui, N. (2019). EasyPeasy: Learning through play. Evaluation Report. [No known commissioning body]
Number Identification: A Unique Developmental Pathway in Mathematics? (2018)
Journal Article
Cramman, H., Gott, S., Little, J., Merrell, C., Tymms, P., & Copping, L. (2020). Number Identification: A Unique Developmental Pathway in Mathematics?. Research Papers in Education, 35(2), 117-143. make a prima facie case for identifying a single pathway in the learning of Hindu-Arabic numerical symbols and discuss why this ability may be a critical gateway concept in developing mathematical competencies. A representative sample of English a... Read More about Number Identification: A Unique Developmental Pathway in Mathematics?.
Links between Socio-Emotional Skills, Behaviour, Mathematics and Literacy of Preschool Children in Serbia (2018)
Journal Article
Aleksić, G., Merrell, C., Ferring, D., Tymms, P., & Klemenović, J. (2019). Links between Socio-Emotional Skills, Behaviour, Mathematics and Literacy of Preschool Children in Serbia. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 34(2), 417-438. children’s socio-emotional skills are important for understanding their own and others’ behaviors and interactions. No study in Serbia has investigated this before. In this study, we explored the links between early socio-emotional skills, beha... Read More about Links between Socio-Emotional Skills, Behaviour, Mathematics and Literacy of Preschool Children in Serbia.
The long-term impact of effective teaching (2017)
Journal Article
Tymms, P., Merrell, C., & Bailey, K. (2018). The long-term impact of effective teaching. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 29(2), 242-261. paper investigates the impact of effective schooling in the 1st year of elementary school on later academic outcomes and equal educational opportunity. A large longitudinal dataset from England was used to estimate the importance of the 1st year... Read More about The long-term impact of effective teaching.
The First Year at School in the Western Cape: Growth, Development and Progress (2017)
Tymms, P., Howie, S., Merrell, C., Combrick, C., & Copping, L. (2017). The First Year at School in the Western Cape: Growth, Development and Progress. [No known commissioning body]
小学校における困難児への対応 教師への指導指針第2版 (2017)
Konkawa, A., Ebine, H., Sugita, K., Merrell, C., & Tymms, P. B. (2017). 小学校における困難児への対応 教師への指導指針第2版
The contribution of schooling to learning gains of pupils in Years 1 to 6 (2017)
Journal Article
Luyten, H., Merrell, C., & Tymms, P. (2017). The contribution of schooling to learning gains of pupils in Years 1 to 6. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 28(3), 374-405. means of a regression-discontinuity approach with multiple cut-off points, the effects of age and schooling on learning gains in English primary schools are estimated. The analyses relate to over 3,500 pupils in 20, predominantly independently fun... Read More about The contribution of schooling to learning gains of pupils in Years 1 to 6.