Master UCLDH - En savoir un peu plus... avec Claire Warwick, Centre Director.
Journal Article
Warwick, C., & Welger-Barboza, C. (online). Master UCLDH - En savoir un peu plus... avec Claire Warwick, Centre Director. L'Observatoire critique,
Outputs (2165)
Modelling the Self: Subjectivity and Identity in Romantic and Post-Romantic Thought and Culture
Journal Article
Sandy, M., & Wootton, S. (online). Modelling the Self: Subjectivity and Identity in Romantic and Post-Romantic Thought and Culture. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net,Other url:
Continental Divide
Journal Article
Pugh, D. (online). Continental Divide. Radical Philosophy,
Before Queer Theory: Victorian Aestheticism and the Self by Dustin Friedman
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (online). Before Queer Theory: Victorian Aestheticism and the Self by Dustin Friedman. Studies in Walter Pater and aestheticism,
How Literature Changes the Way We Think. By Michael Mack
Journal Article
Boyiopoulos, K. (online). How Literature Changes the Way We Think. By Michael Mack. Postgraduate English: A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English,