The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse).
Regan, S. (1984). The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse)
Outputs (2165)
Real Stories (1984)
Reeves, G. (1984). Real Stories. Carcanet Press. Poems
Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction (1984)
Waugh, P. (1984). Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction. (3rd ed., 2003). Routledge
The Obstetrics of The Waste Land (1975)
Journal Article
Reeves, G. (1975). The Obstetrics of The Waste Land. Critical Quarterly, 17, 33-53
Selected Poems of George Herbert (1971)
Reeves, G. (Ed.). (1971). Selected Poems of George Herbert. Heinemann Educational Books
Smell and Social Life: Aspects of English, French and German Literature (1880–1939)
Herold, K., & Krause, F. (Eds.). Smell and Social Life: Aspects of English, French and German Literature (1880–1939). iudicium
Poetics before Modernity: Literary Theory in the West from Antiquity to 1700
Brljak, V., & Lazarus, M. (Eds.). Poetics before Modernity: Literary Theory in the West from Antiquity to 1700. Oxford University Press
The Person, Historical Time and the Universalisation of Capital
Hartley, D. The Person, Historical Time and the Universalisation of Capital
Language Use in Manuscripts of the Royal Wardrobe and Petitions: Evidence for the Study of Dress and Textile Vocabulary’
Book Chapter
Chambers, M., & Sylvester, L. Language Use in Manuscripts of the Royal Wardrobe and Petitions: Evidence for the Study of Dress and Textile Vocabulary’. In A. Edwards, & O. Da Rold (Eds.), English Manuscript Studies, 1100-1700 (262-279). British Library
‘An Exotic Monster, a French Magician, and Scottish ministralli: Visiting Players in the Durham Records’
Book Chapter
Chambers, M. ‘An Exotic Monster, a French Magician, and Scottish ministralli: Visiting Players in the Durham Records’. In D. Wyatt, & J. McKinnell (Eds.), Early Performers in the North-East of England: Continuity and Difference. ARC Humanities Press