‘Two Great Sexes Animate the World’: Looking Past ‘Milton’s Bogey’ in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’
Book Chapter
Green, M. (2021). ‘Two Great Sexes Animate the World’: Looking Past ‘Milton’s Bogey’ in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’. In M. Green, & S. Al-Akhras (Eds.), Women (Re)Writing Milton (49-70). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367760205
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is generally acknowledged to be one of the most remarkable readings of Paradise Lost to issue from the Romantic period, and Shelley openly signals the epic’s importance as an interpretative key to her work. It is frequentl... Read More about ‘Two Great Sexes Animate the World’: Looking Past ‘Milton’s Bogey’ in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’.