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Outputs (76)

Anne Fisher: Gender and Print in Eighteenth-Century Newcastle upon Tyne (2023)
Journal Article
Crosbie, B. (2023). Anne Fisher: Gender and Print in Eighteenth-Century Newcastle upon Tyne. Archaeologia Aeliana, Series 6, vol. 2, 307-319

This paper investigates the working life of Anne Fisher (1719-1778), an author and educationalist who worked alongside her husband, Thomas Slack, in their printing office cum bookshop on Middle Street/Union Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. Attention is f... Read More about Anne Fisher: Gender and Print in Eighteenth-Century Newcastle upon Tyne.

Institutional memory and legal conflict in the Old Borough of Durham, 1300–1450 (2023)
Journal Article
Brown, A. T., & Cox, B. (2023). Institutional memory and legal conflict in the Old Borough of Durham, 1300–1450. Continuity and Change, 38(3), 255 - 281.

Historians have long used the archives of major institutions to shed light on medieval society, but in more recent decades the focus has turned towards the proliferation of legal documentation possessed by those lower down the social order and the in... Read More about Institutional memory and legal conflict in the Old Borough of Durham, 1300–1450.

The Olympic Park in Munich as a Planned and Lived Utopia (2023)
Schiller, K. (2023). The Olympic Park in Munich as a Planned and Lived Utopia. [Kunst und Gesellschaft 1972–2022–2072: Von der Kunst für die Olympischen Spiele in München 1972 zu künstlerischen Gestaltungskonzepten des 21. Jahrhunderts]. Berlin

Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: the physical fabric of the fables (2023)
Book Chapter
Gameson, R. (2023). Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: the physical fabric of the fables. In G. Small (Ed.), Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 - c. 1550). Brepols Publishers

The present chapter offers an analytical account of the material fabric of Glasgow University Library, Hunter 252 (U.4.2), the only extant manuscript copy of Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. We shall examine in turn the parchment and preparation of the... Read More about Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles: the physical fabric of the fables.

Communal Geographies and Peasant Insurgency in Colonial Myanmar (2023)
Journal Article
Saha, J. (2023). Communal Geographies and Peasant Insurgency in Colonial Myanmar. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 46(6), 1240-1256.

This article makes two arguments, one theoretical and the other empirical. The first is that Ranajit Guha’s classic text, Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India, contains generative but overlooked spatial concepts for uncovering c... Read More about Communal Geographies and Peasant Insurgency in Colonial Myanmar.