Informal carers of the dementing elderly: a study of relationships.
Journal Article
Clarke, C., & Watson, D. (1991). Informal carers of the dementing elderly: a study of relationships
Outputs (794)
Back to Basics in Brooklyn (1990)
Steinberg, P. E., & Cohen, R. (1990). Back to Basics in Brooklyn
Ethics, Ethnography and Education
Russell, L., Barley, R., & Tummons, J. (Eds.). Ethics, Ethnography and Education. Emerald
Online, offline, hybrid, or blended? Doing ethnographies of education in a digitally-mediated world.
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. Online, offline, hybrid, or blended? Doing ethnographies of education in a digitally-mediated world. In M. Ward, & S. Delamont (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education (178-189). (2). Edward Elgar Publishing
Should schools fear or embrace the digital world
Digital Artefact
Costa, C. Should schools fear or embrace the digital world. [Teachers Talk Radio]
Ethics and Ethnographies of Education: Current Themes and New Directions
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. Ethics and Ethnographies of Education: Current Themes and New Directions. In Ethics, Ethnography and Education.
The Carbon Bootprint of the US Military and Prospects for a Safer Climate
Book Chapter
Bigger, P., Belcher, O., Kennelly, C., & Neimark, B. The Carbon Bootprint of the US Military and Prospects for a Safer Climate. In S. Bohm, & S. Sullivan (Eds.), Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis (53-61). Open Book Publishers
Constructing Ethnographic Data in Medical Education.
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. Constructing Ethnographic Data in Medical Education. In P. Hackett, & C. Hayre (Eds.), Handbook of Ethnography in Healthcare Research. Routledge
A Wet World: Rethinking Place, Territory, and Time
Journal Article
Peters, K., & Steinberg, P. (online). A Wet World: Rethinking Place, Territory, and Time
Can I have a word please? Strategies to enhance understanding of subject specific language in non-traditional students.
Journal Article
Bruce, M., Nolan, S., & Rees, S. (online). Can I have a word please? Strategies to enhance understanding of subject specific language in non-traditional students