The Social Construction of the Ocean
Steinberg, P. E. (2001). The Social Construction of the Ocean. Cambridge University Press
Outputs (794)
A new way to link research. (2001)
Journal Article
Clarke, C., & Ramprogus, V. (2001). A new way to link research. Nursing Times, 97(19), 37-38
Familiarity facilitates social learning of foraging behaviour in the guppy. (2001)
Journal Article
Swaney, W., Kendal, J., Capon, H., Brown, C., & Laland, K. (2001). Familiarity facilitates social learning of foraging behaviour in the guppy. Animal Behaviour, 62, 591-598.
Validating cultural transmission in Cetaceans. (2001)
Journal Article
Day, R., Kendal, J., & Laland, K. (2001). Validating cultural transmission in Cetaceans. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(2), 330-331. evidence of high cognitive abilities in cetaceans does not stand up to close scrutiny under the standards established by laboratory researchers. This is likely to lead to a sterile debate between laboratory and field researchers unless fresh ways... Read More about Validating cultural transmission in Cetaceans..
No regrets? Economy and environment in Australia's domestic climate change policy process. (2001)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H. (2001). No regrets? Economy and environment in Australia's domestic climate change policy process
Governing climate change: the politics of risk society? (2001)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H. (2001). Governing climate change: the politics of risk society?. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26(4), 430-447. paper examines how the politics of climate change have taken shape within Australia through the construction and contestation of concepts of obligation and responsibility. Beck's risk society thesis offers a conceptual starting point from which... Read More about Governing climate change: the politics of risk society?.
Is pathological gambling really a problem?-You bet! (2001)
Castellani, B. (2001). Is pathological gambling really a problem?-You bet!
How Does the World Rein in Stateless Terrorists? (2001)
Newspaper / Magazine
Steinberg, P. E. (2001). How Does the World Rein in Stateless Terrorists?
The effect of a clinical nurse specialist in 'gynaecological oncology on quality of life and sexuality (2001)
Journal Article
Maughan, K., & Clarke, C. (2001). The effect of a clinical nurse specialist in 'gynaecological oncology on quality of life and sexuality. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10(2), 221-229.
Professional and organizational learning: Analysing the relationship with the development of practice (2001)
Journal Article
Clarke, C., & Wilcockson, J. (2001). Professional and organizational learning: Analysing the relationship with the development of practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(2), 264-272.