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Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: What Counts as Success? (2010)
Westmarland, N., Kelly, L., & Chalder-Mills, J. (2010). Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: What Counts as Success?

Whether domestic violence perpetrator programmes ‘work’ is contested by researchers, policy makers and practitioners. Some evaluations have concluded they do reduce violence, whereas others claim they do not and may even make things worse. Much of th... Read More about Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: What Counts as Success?.

The astrophysics of ultra-compact binaries (2009)
Nelemans, G., Wood, M., Groot, P., Anderson, S., Belczynski, K., Benacquista, M., Charles, P., Cumming, A., Deloye, C., Jonker, P., Kalogera, V., Knigge, C., Marsh, T., Motl, P., Napiwotzki, R., O'Brien, K., Phinney, E., Ramsay, G., Shahbaz, T., Solheim, J.-E., …Yungelson, L. (2009). The astrophysics of ultra-compact binaries

The Variable Star One-shot Project, and its little child: Wikimbad (2008)
Foellmi, C., Dall, T., Pritchard, J., Allende Prieto, C., Bruntt, H., Amado, P., Arentoft, T., Baes, M., Depagne, E., Fernandez, M., Ivanov, V., Koesterke, L., Monaco, L., O'Brien, K., Sarro, L., Saviane, I., Scharwaechter, J., Schmidtobreick, L., Schütz, O., Seifahrt, A., …Osuna, P. (2008). The Variable Star One-shot Project, and its little child: Wikimbad

Modelling the Fringing of the FORS2 CCD (2008)
Walsh, J., Kuntschner, H., Jehin, E., Kaufer, A., O'Brien, K., Riquelme, M., Smette, A., & Kerber, F. (2008). Modelling the Fringing of the FORS2 CCD

Bowen blend echo-tomography of low mass X-ray binaries (2008)
Muñoz-Darias, T., Martínez-Pais, I., Casares, J., Cornelisse, R., Dhillon, V., Marsh, T., Steeghs, D., O'Brien, K., Charles, P., Still, M., Ryan, O., & Shearer, A. (2008). Bowen blend echo-tomography of low mass X-ray binaries

Bowen Blend Echo-tomography of Neutron Star LMXBs (2008)
Muñoz-Darias, T., Martinez-Pais, I. G., Casares, J., Dhillon, V., Marsh, T., Steeghs, D., O'Brien, K., Charles, P., Still, M., & Cornelisse, R. (2008). Bowen Blend Echo-tomography of Neutron Star LMXBs