Neoliberalism's Many Deaths and Strange Non-Deaths
Copley, J., & Moraitis, A. Neoliberalism's Many Deaths and Strange Non-Deaths
Connecting research with policy for stronger stewardship
Tilba., A. Connecting research with policy for stronger stewardship
Risk Yönetiminde Karşılıklı Bağımlılık [Interdependence in Risk Management]
Haksöz, Ç. Risk Yönetiminde Karşılıklı Bağımlılık [Interdependence in Risk Management]
İpek Yolu’daki Tedarik Zincirleri: Geçmişten Günümüze Dersler ve Bekleyen Fırsatlar [Supply Chains on the Silk Road: Lessons from Past to Present and Emerging Opportunities]
Haksöz, Ç. İpek Yolu’daki Tedarik Zincirleri: Geçmişten Günümüze Dersler ve Bekleyen Fırsatlar [Supply Chains on the Silk Road: Lessons from Past to Present and Emerging Opportunities]
Tedarik Zinciri Kontrat Yönetiminde Akıllı Kurallar (Smart Rules for Supply Chain Contract Management)
Haksöz, Ç. Tedarik Zinciri Kontrat Yönetiminde Akıllı Kurallar (Smart Rules for Supply Chain Contract Management)
Educational elitism isn’t going away without a fight – so Labour must step up
Gamsu, S. Educational elitism isn’t going away without a fight – so Labour must step up
Got a great relationship? You may want to thank your prehistoric grandmother
Newspaper / Magazine
Setchell, J. M. Got a great relationship? You may want to thank your prehistoric grandmother
Showing 621 - 627 of 627 results