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Lo stato solido e la nuova mappa della fisica (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Martin, J. D. (2024, September). Lo stato solido e la nuova mappa della fisica. Presented at XLIV Congresso Nazionale Sisfa, Firenze

Neither solid state nor condensed matter physics existed at the end of World War II. Physical problems related to the properties of materials, of course, have a much longer history, but the physics community was not yet subdivided in a way that recog... Read More about Lo stato solido e la nuova mappa della fisica.

Acid Test: The AD-X2 Affair and the Political Awakening of American Science (2025)
Journal Article
Martin, J. D. (in press). Acid Test: The AD-X2 Affair and the Political Awakening of American Science. American Quarterly, 77(3),

In March 1953, Allen Astin, Director of the National Bureau of Standards, lost his job. He was fired by Sinclair Weeks, Dwight Eisenhower's newly confirmed Secretary of Commerce. The bureau had concluded that AD-X2, an after-market additive advertise... Read More about Acid Test: The AD-X2 Affair and the Political Awakening of American Science.