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A survey of multi-access edge computing in 5G and beyond : fundamentals, technology integration, and state-of-the-art (2020)
Journal Article
Pham, Q., Fang, F., Ha, V. N., Piran, M. J., Le, M., Le, L. B., …Ding, Z. (2020). A survey of multi-access edge computing in 5G and beyond : fundamentals, technology integration, and state-of-the-art. IEEE Access, 8, 116974-117017.

Driven by the emergence of new compute-intensive applications and the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is foreseen that the emerging 5G network will face an unprecedented increase in traffic volume and computation demands. However, end user... Read More about A survey of multi-access edge computing in 5G and beyond : fundamentals, technology integration, and state-of-the-art.

The effects of solvent extraction on nanoporosity of marine-continental coal and mudstone (2019)
Journal Article
Qi, Y., Ju, Y., Cai, J., Gao, Y., Zhu, H., Hunag, C., …Chen, W. (2019). The effects of solvent extraction on nanoporosity of marine-continental coal and mudstone. Fuel, 235, 72-84.

Coal and organic-rich mudstone develop massive nanopores, which control the storage of adsorbed and free gas, as well as fluid flows. Generation and retention of bitumen and hydrocarbons of oil window reservoirs add more uncertainty to the nanoporosi... Read More about The effects of solvent extraction on nanoporosity of marine-continental coal and mudstone.

Stability of an undrained plane strain heading revisited (2003)
Journal Article
Augarde, C., Lyamin, A., & Sloan, S. (2003). Stability of an undrained plane strain heading revisited. Computers and Geotechnics, 30(5), 419-430.

The stability of an idealised heading in undrained soil conditions is investigated in this paper. The heading is rigidly supported along its length, while the face, which may be pressurised, is free to move. The problem approximates any flat wall in... Read More about Stability of an undrained plane strain heading revisited.