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Outputs (389)

Kinematic Comparison Between Gender Specific and Traditional Femoral Implants (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saevarsson, S., Sharma, G. B., Montgomery, S. J., Ho, K., Ramm, H., Lieck, R., Zachow, S., & Anglin, C. (2011, December). Kinematic Comparison Between Gender Specific and Traditional Femoral Implants. Presented at Proceedings of the 11th Alberta Biomedical Engineering (BME) Conference (Poster)

Multi-robot Teams for Environmental Monitoring (2011)
Book Chapter
Espina, M. V., Grech, R., De Jager, D., Remagnino, P., Iocchi, L., Marchetti, L., …King, C. (2011). Multi-robot Teams for Environmental Monitoring. In P. Remagnino, D. Monekosso, & L. Jain (Eds.), INNOVATIONS IN DEFENCE SUPPORT SYSTEMS - 3: INTELLIGENT PARADIGMS IN SECURITY (183-209)

Contourlet Transform for Texture Representation of Ultrasound Thyroid Images (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Katsigiannis, S., Keramidas, E. G., & Maroulis, D. (2010, December). Contourlet Transform for Texture Representation of Ultrasound Thyroid Images. Presented at 6th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2010), Larnaca, Cyprus

Synthetic Training Data Generation for ADL Modeling (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). Synthetic Training Data Generation for ADL Modeling. Presented at WORKSHOPS PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bloisi, D., Iocchi, L., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). A NOVEL SEGMENTATION METHOD FOR CROWDED SCENES. Presented at VISAPP 2009: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL 2 Inst Syst \& Technologies Informat, Control \& Commun; ACM SIGGRAPH

A Multi-agent Architecture for Multi-robot Surveillance (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vallejo, D., Remagnino, P., Monekosso, D. N., Jimenez, L., & Gonzalez, C. (2009, December). A Multi-agent Architecture for Multi-robot Surveillance. Presented at COMPUTATIONAL COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: SEMANTIC WEB, SOCIAL NETWORKS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS Wroclaw Univ Technol; Swinburne Univ Technol; Natl Taiwan Univ Sci \& Technol

An Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bloisi, D., Iocchi, L., Marchetti, L., Monekosso, D. N., & Remagnino, P. (2009, December). An Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living. Presented at AVSS: 2009 6TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED VIDEO AND SIGNAL BASED SURVEILLANCE IEEE; IEEE Comp Soc; IEEE Signal Proc Soc

The Analysis of Crowd Dynamics: From Observations to Modelling (2009)
Book Chapter
Zhan, B., Remagnino, P., Monekosso, D., & Velastin, S. (2009). The Analysis of Crowd Dynamics: From Observations to Modelling. In C. Mumford, & L. Jain (Eds.), COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: COLLABORATION, FUSION AND EMERGENCE (441-472)

Measuring Retinal Vessel Tortuosity in 10-Year-Old Children: Validation of the Computer-Assisted Image Analysis of the Retina (CAIAR) Program (2009)
Journal Article
Owen, C. G., Rudnicka, A. R., Mullen, R., Barman, S. A., Monekosso, D., Whincup, P. H., Ng, J., & Paterson, C. (2009). Measuring Retinal Vessel Tortuosity in 10-Year-Old Children: Validation of the Computer-Assisted Image Analysis of the Retina (CAIAR) Program. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50(5), 2004-2010.