Color in achievement contexts in humans
Book Chapter
Maier, M., Hill, R., Elliot, A., & Barton, R. (2015). Color in achievement contexts in humans. In A. Elliot, M. Fairchild, & A. Franklin (Eds.), Handbook of color psychology (568-584). Cambridge University Press
Outputs (470)
Learning suicide and the limits of agency: children's 'suicide play' in Sri Lanka (2015)
Book Chapter
Widger, T. (2015). Learning suicide and the limits of agency: children's 'suicide play' in Sri Lanka. In L. Broz, & D. Münster (Eds.), Suicide and agency : anthropological perspectives on self-destruction, personhood and power (165-182). Ashgate Publishing
Color in competition contexts in non-human animals (2015)
Book Chapter
Setchell, J. (2015). Color in competition contexts in non-human animals. In A. Elliot, M. Fairchild, & A. Franklin (Eds.), Handbook of color psychology (546-567). Cambridge University Press
“It Makes Me Sad When They Say We Are Poor. We Are Rich!”: Of Wealth and Public Wealth(s) in Indigenous Amazonia (2015)
Book Chapter
Sarmiento Barletti, J. P. (2015). “It Makes Me Sad When They Say We Are Poor. We Are Rich!”: Of Wealth and Public Wealth(s) in Indigenous Amazonia. In F. Santos-Granero (Ed.), Images of public wealth or the anatomy of well-being in indigenous Amazonia (139-160). University of Arizona PressFinding out what public wealth is in legal terms in indigenous Peruvian Amazonia is simple. The Ley de Comunidades Nativas (Law of Native Communities) states that all comuneros, the legal members of a comunidad , have collective usufruct rights over... Read More about “It Makes Me Sad When They Say We Are Poor. We Are Rich!”: Of Wealth and Public Wealth(s) in Indigenous Amazonia.
Reflecting Nature: water beings in history and imagination (2015)
Book Chapter
Strang, V. (2015). Reflecting Nature: water beings in history and imagination. In K. Hastrup, & F. Hastrup (Eds.), Waterworlds : anthropology in fluid environments (247-278). Berghahn Books
‘Forced Pregnancy’, humanitarian access to reproductive rights and locating ‘life’ within the powers of ‘death’ (2015)
Book Chapter
Mookherjee, N. (2015). ‘Forced Pregnancy’, humanitarian access to reproductive rights and locating ‘life’ within the powers of ‘death’. In V. Das, & C. Han (Eds.), Living and dying in the contemporary world : a compendium (130-142). California University Press
The Knowing in Indigenous Knowledge: Alternative Ways to View Development, Largely from a New Guinea Highlands’ Perspective (2015)
Book Chapter
Sillitoe, P. (2016). The Knowing in Indigenous Knowledge: Alternative Ways to View Development, Largely from a New Guinea Highlands’ Perspective. In Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge (129-163). Springer Verlag.
Night-time on a postnatal ward: experiences of mothers, infants, and staff (2015)
Book Chapter
Taylor, C. E., Tully, K. P., & Ball, H. L. (2015). Night-time on a postnatal ward: experiences of mothers, infants, and staff. In F. C. Dykes, & R. Flacking (Eds.), Ethnographic research in maternal and child health (117-140). RoutledgeThis chapter illustrates an alternative approach to video ethnography, in which video case studies are described alongside semi-structured interview responses to detail night-time challenges of mothers, newborns, and hospital staff on a postnatal war... Read More about Night-time on a postnatal ward: experiences of mothers, infants, and staff.
Introduction: reconsidering detachment (2015)
Book Chapter
Candea, C., Cook, J., Trundle, C., & Yarrow, T. (2015). Introduction: reconsidering detachment. In C. Candea, J. Cook, C. Trundle, & T. Yarrow (Eds.), Detachment: essays on the limits of relational thinking (1-34). Manchester University PressThis volume urges a reconsideration of the productive potential of disconnection, distance and detachment, as ethical, methodological and philosophical commitments. In so doing, we write against the grain of a strong tendency in contemporary social t... Read More about Introduction: reconsidering detachment.
Introduction: Mediating Publics and Anthropology (2015)
Book Chapter
Abram, S., & Pink, S. (2015). Introduction: Mediating Publics and Anthropology. In S. Pink, & S. Abram (Eds.), Media, anthropology and public engagement (1-22). Berghan Books
VII. Desensamblar los pedazos, ensamblar lo social: las vidas forenses y políticas de las fosas comunes secundarias en Bosnia y Herzegovina (2015)
Book Chapter
secundarias en Bosnia y Herzegovina. In S. Garibian, E. Anstett, & J. Dreyfus (Eds.), Restos humanos e identificación. Violencia de masa, genocidio y el "giro forense" (135-162). (Spanish reprint of 2015 book). Miño y Dávila srl
Moral Pioneers: Pakistani Muslims and the Take-up of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the North of England (2015)
Book Chapter
Simpson, R., Blell, M., & Hampshire, K. (2015). Moral Pioneers: Pakistani Muslims and the Take-up of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the North of England. In K. Hampshire, & R. Simpson (Eds.), Assisted reproductive technologies in the third phase : global encounters and emerging moral worlds (46-68). Berghahn Books
‘Elegant’ Surgery: The Beauty of Clinical Expertise (2015)
Book Chapter
Macnaughton, J. (2015). ‘Elegant’ Surgery: The Beauty of Clinical Expertise. In C. Saunders, J. Macnaughton, & D. Fuller (Eds.), The recovery of beauty : arts, culture, medicine (175-198). Palgrave Macmillan. on his life as a neurosurgeon, Henry Marsh describes the experience that set him out on his career: observing an operation on an aneurysm in the brain. ‘The operation was elegant, dangerous and full of profound meaning. What could be finer... Read More about ‘Elegant’ Surgery: The Beauty of Clinical Expertise.
Disassembling the pieces, reassembling the social: the forensic and political lives of secondary mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015)
Book Chapter
Jugo, A., & Wastell, S. (2015). Disassembling the pieces, reassembling the social: the forensic and political lives of secondary mass graves in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In É. Anstett, & J. Dreyfus (Eds.), Human remains and identification: mass violence, genocide, and the ‘forensic turn’ (142-174). Manchester University Press
Cultural Evolution, Gene–Culture Coevolution, and Human Health: an Introduction to Modelling Approaches (2015)
Book Chapter
Kendal, J., & Walters, C. (2015). Cultural Evolution, Gene–Culture Coevolution, and Human Health: an Introduction to Modelling Approaches. In J. Bissell, C. Caiado, S. Curtis, M. Goldstein, & B. Straughan (Eds.), Tipping points : modelling social problems and health (146-167). Wiley
Women and smoking in the North East of England (2015)
Book Chapter
Russell, A. (2015). Women and smoking in the North East of England. In J. Bissell, C. Caiado, S. Curtis, M. Goldstein, & B. Straughan (Eds.), Tipping points : modelling social problems and health (32-48). Wiley.
Charity, philanthropy and development in Colombo, Sri Lanka (2015)
Book Chapter
Osella, F., Stirrat, R., & Widger, T. (2015). Charity, philanthropy and development in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In B. Morvaridi (Ed.), New philanthropy and social justice : debating the conceptual and policy discourse (137-156). Policy Press
Smoking Tobacco and Swinging the Chicha: On Different Modes of Sociality among Guna ('Kuna') People (2015)
Book Chapter
Fortis, P. (2015). Smoking Tobacco and Swinging the Chicha: On Different Modes of Sociality among Guna ('Kuna') People. In A. Russell, & E. Rahman (Eds.), The master plant : tobacco in lowland South America (199-214). Bloomsbury
Social learning and culture in non-human organisms (2015)
Book Chapter
Kendal, R. (2015). Social learning and culture in non-human organisms. In J. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioural sciences (401-408). (2nd ed.). Elsevier. article reviews the field of animal social learning and culture, covering how and why it is studied in both captive and wild animals, by researchers with often differing agendas. Our increasing understanding of the adaptive value of social learni... Read More about Social learning and culture in non-human organisms.
Kinship in Anthropology (2015)
Book Chapter
Overing, J., Fortis, P., & Margiotti, M. (2015). Kinship in Anthropology. In J. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (36-43). (2nd ed.). Elsevier. article outlines the development of kinship studies in anthropology from their beginning to our days. It reviews classic debates on descent and marriage, the role of gender studies in rethinking kinship categories and the more recent contributio... Read More about Kinship in Anthropology.