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Outputs (59)

Spiroconjugation-enhanced intramolecular charge-transfer state formation in a polyspirobifluorene homopolymer (2007)
Journal Article
King, S., Hintschich, S., Dai, D., Rothe, C., & Monkman, A. (2007). Spiroconjugation-enhanced intramolecular charge-transfer state formation in a polyspirobifluorene homopolymer. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(50), 18759-18764.

In this work we demonstrate the complex excited-state behavior of polyspirobifluorene in the solid state, which, due to the interaction of the spiroconjugated side group, readily forms a charge-transfer (CT) excited state of lower energy than the sin... Read More about Spiroconjugation-enhanced intramolecular charge-transfer state formation in a polyspirobifluorene homopolymer.

Reticulon 4a/NogoA locates to regions of high membrane curvature and may have a role in nuclear envelope growth (2007)
Journal Article
Kiseleva, E., Morozova, K., Voeltz, G., Allen, T., & Goldberg, M. (2007). Reticulon 4a/NogoA locates to regions of high membrane curvature and may have a role in nuclear envelope growth. Journal of Structural Biology, 160(2), 224-235.

Reticulon 4a (Rtn4a) is a membrane protein that shapes tubules of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER is attached to the nuclear envelope (NE) during interphase and has a role in post mitotic/meiotic NE reassembly. We speculated that Rtn4a has a r... Read More about Reticulon 4a/NogoA locates to regions of high membrane curvature and may have a role in nuclear envelope growth.

Behavior of hydrogen in wide band gap oxides (2007)
Journal Article
Xiong, K., Robertson, J., & Clark, S. (2007). Behavior of hydrogen in wide band gap oxides. Journal of Applied Physics, 102(8), Article 083710.

The energy levels of interstitial hydrogen in various wide band gap oxides are calculated using a density function based method that does not need a band gap correction. The positive charge state has a large stabilization energy due to the formation... Read More about Behavior of hydrogen in wide band gap oxides.

A mechanical model for complex fault patterns induced by evaporite dehydration and cyclic changes in fluid pressure (2007)
Journal Article
De Paola, N., Collettini, C., Trippetta, F., Barchi, M., & Minelli, G. (2007). A mechanical model for complex fault patterns induced by evaporite dehydration and cyclic changes in fluid pressure. Journal of Structural Geology, 29(10), 1573-1584.

Complex fault patterns, i.e. faults which exhibit a diverse range of strikes, may develop under conditions where a regional tectonic stress field is weak or absent (e.g. polygonal faults). The present paper considers a complex system of synsedimentar... Read More about A mechanical model for complex fault patterns induced by evaporite dehydration and cyclic changes in fluid pressure.

Amphibole “sponge” in arc crust? (2007)
Journal Article
Davidson, J., Turner, S., Handley, H., Macpherson, C., & Dosseto, A. (2007). Amphibole “sponge” in arc crust?. Geology, 35(9), 787-790.

Pressure-temperature-time paths followed by arc magmas ascending through the lithosphere dictate the phase assemblage that crystallizes, and hence the compositions of liquid fractionates. Here we use La/Yb and Dy/Yb versus SiO2 relationships from sel... Read More about Amphibole “sponge” in arc crust?.

The 24-angstrom structure of respiratory syncytial virus nucleocapsid protein-RNA decameric rings (2007)
Journal Article
MacLellan, K., Loney, C., Yeo, R., & Bhella, D. (2007). The 24-angstrom structure of respiratory syncytial virus nucleocapsid protein-RNA decameric rings. Journal of Virology, 81(17), 9519-9524.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a nonsegmented, negative-sense RNA-containing virus, is a common cause of lower respiratory tract disease. Expression of RSV nucleocapsid protein (N) in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system leads to... Read More about The 24-angstrom structure of respiratory syncytial virus nucleocapsid protein-RNA decameric rings.

Selection of plants for roles in phytoremediation: the importance of glucosylation (2007)
Journal Article
Brazier-Hicks, M., Edwards, L., & Edwards, R. (2007). Selection of plants for roles in phytoremediation: the importance of glucosylation. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 5(5), 627-635.

Over-expression and transposon mutagenesis in root cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana demonstrated the importance of the family 1 glycosyltransferase UGT72B1 in catalysing the N-glucosylation of the persistent pollutant 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA). In ph... Read More about Selection of plants for roles in phytoremediation: the importance of glucosylation.

Element-based preconditioners for elasto-plastic problems in geotechnical engineering (2007)
Journal Article
Augarde, C., Ramage, A., & Staudacher, J. (2007). Element-based preconditioners for elasto-plastic problems in geotechnical engineering. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71(7), 757-779.

Iterative solvers are widely regarded as the most efficient way to solve the very large linear systems arising from finite element models. Their memory requirements are small compared to those for direct solvers. Consequently, there is a major intere... Read More about Element-based preconditioners for elasto-plastic problems in geotechnical engineering.

Interface stability of magnetic tunnel barriers and electrodes (2007)
Journal Article
Lamperti, A., Pym, A., Eastwood, D., Cardoso, S., Wisniowski, P., Freitas, P., …Tanner, B. (2007). Interface stability of magnetic tunnel barriers and electrodes. Physica status solidi. A, Applied research, 204(8), 2778-2784

FGF-2 Release from the Lens Capsule by MMP-2 Maintains Lens Epithelial Cell Viability (2007)
Journal Article
Tholozan, F., Gribbon, C., Li, Z., Goldberg, M., Prescott, A., McKie, N., & Quinlan, R. (2007). FGF-2 Release from the Lens Capsule by MMP-2 Maintains Lens Epithelial Cell Viability. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 18(11), 4222-4231.

The lens is an avascular tissue, separated from the aqueous and vitreous humors by its own extracellular matrix, the lens capsule. Here we demonstrate that the lens capsule is a source of essential survival factors for lens epithelial cells. Primary... Read More about FGF-2 Release from the Lens Capsule by MMP-2 Maintains Lens Epithelial Cell Viability.

Exciton annihilation in a polyfluorene: Low threshold for singlet-singlet annihilation and the absence of singlet-triplet annihilation (2007)
Journal Article
King, S., Dai, D., Rothe, C., & Monkman, A. (2007). Exciton annihilation in a polyfluorene: Low threshold for singlet-singlet annihilation and the absence of singlet-triplet annihilation. Physical review B, 76(8),

Ultrafast photoinduced absorption measurements have been used to directly investigate singlet-singlet annihilation in polyfluorene. The pump fluence threshold for annihilation to dominate the decay was measured to be ∼1 μJ cm−2 corresponding to an ex... Read More about Exciton annihilation in a polyfluorene: Low threshold for singlet-singlet annihilation and the absence of singlet-triplet annihilation.

Historic rammed earth structures in Spain: construction techniques and a preliminary classification (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jaquin, P., Augarde, C., & Gerrard, C. (2007, August). Historic rammed earth structures in Spain: construction techniques and a preliminary classification. Presented at International Symposium on Earthen Structures, Bangalore

Conservation and repair of historic rammed earth sites should only be undertaken if there is a good understanding of the consequences of any intervention technique. Until recently there has been little interest in the characterisation of historic ram... Read More about Historic rammed earth structures in Spain: construction techniques and a preliminary classification.

Nuclear membrane disassembly and rupture (2007)
Journal Article
Cotter, L., Allen, T. D., Kiseleva, E., & Goldberg, M. W. (2007). Nuclear membrane disassembly and rupture. Journal of Molecular Biology, 369(3), 683-695.

The nuclear envelope consists of two membranes traversed by nuclear pore complexes. The outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. At mitosis nuclear pore complexes are dismantled and membranes disperse. The mechanism of dispersal i... Read More about Nuclear membrane disassembly and rupture.

Direct measurement of critical nucleus size in confined volumes (2007)
Journal Article
Liu, J., Nicholson, C., & Cooper, S. (2007). Direct measurement of critical nucleus size in confined volumes. Langmuir, 23(13), 7286-7292.

In crystallization, the critical nucleus size is of pivotal importance. Above this size, it is favorable for the new crystalline phase to form; below this size, the clusters will tend to dissolve rather than grow. To date, there has been no direct me... Read More about Direct measurement of critical nucleus size in confined volumes.