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Outputs (86)

Stable Polymorphs Crystallized Directly under Thermodynamic Control in Three-Dimensional Nanoconfinement: A Generic Methodology (2011)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C., Chen, C., Mendis, B., & Cooper, S. (2011). Stable Polymorphs Crystallized Directly under Thermodynamic Control in Three-Dimensional Nanoconfinement: A Generic Methodology. Crystal Growth and Design, 11(2), 363-366.

Thermodynamic control of crystallization has been achieved to produce stable polymorphs directly by using three-dimensional (3D) nanoconfinement in microemulsions. The theoretical basis for thermodynamic control of crystallization using 3D nanoconfin... Read More about Stable Polymorphs Crystallized Directly under Thermodynamic Control in Three-Dimensional Nanoconfinement: A Generic Methodology.

Chirality-dependent domain wall pinning in a multinotched planar nanowire and chirality preservation using transverse magnetic fields (2011)
Journal Article
Eastwood, D., King, J., Bogart, L., Cramman, H., & Atkinson, D. (2011). Chirality-dependent domain wall pinning in a multinotched planar nanowire and chirality preservation using transverse magnetic fields. Journal of Applied Physics, 109(1),

Chirality-dependent pinning of magnetic domain walls (DWs) has been observed in a planar Ni81Fe19 nanowire with two spatially separated notches on opposite edges of the wire. Using focused magneto-optical Kerr effectmeasurements of field-driven magne... Read More about Chirality-dependent domain wall pinning in a multinotched planar nanowire and chirality preservation using transverse magnetic fields.

Controlling the micellar morphology of binary PEO-PCL block copolymers in water-THF through controlled blending (2011)
Journal Article
Schuetz, P., Greenall, M. J., Bent, J., Furzeland, S., Atkins, D., Butler, M. F., …Buzza, D. M. A. (2011). Controlling the micellar morphology of binary PEO-PCL block copolymers in water-THF through controlled blending. Soft Matter, 7(2), 749-759.

We study both experimentally and theoretically the self-assembly of binary polycaprolactone–polyethylene oxide (PCL–PEO) block copolymers in dilute solution, where self-assembly is triggered by changing the solvent from the common good solvent THF to... Read More about Controlling the micellar morphology of binary PEO-PCL block copolymers in water-THF through controlled blending.

Interface magnetism in ferromagnetic metal-compound semiconductor hybrid structures (2011)
Journal Article
Hindmarch, A. (2011). Interface magnetism in ferromagnetic metal-compound semiconductor hybrid structures. SPIN, 1(1), 45-69.

Interfaces between dissimilar materials present a wide range of fascinating physical phenomena. When a nanoscale thin-film of a ferromagnetic metal is deposited in intimate contact with a compound semiconductor, the properties of the interface exhibi... Read More about Interface magnetism in ferromagnetic metal-compound semiconductor hybrid structures.

A sample holder for measuring the magnetic properties of air-sensitive compounds (2011)
Journal Article
Berlie, A., Terry, I., & Szablewski, M. (2011). A sample holder for measuring the magnetic properties of air-sensitive compounds. Measurement Science and Technology, 22(1),

A sample holder is reported which has allowed the magnetic characterization of air-sensitive compounds to be made in a Quantum Design Magnetic Properties Measurement System as a function of the applied field (0–5 T), and at temperatures ranging from... Read More about A sample holder for measuring the magnetic properties of air-sensitive compounds.

Surface Hubbard U of alkali fullerides (2011)
Journal Article
Macovez, R., Hunt, M., Goldoni, A., Pedio, M., & Rudolf, P. (2011). Surface Hubbard U of alkali fullerides. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 183(1-3), 94-100.

We report a combined photoemission spectroscopy (PES) and inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES) study of distilled, phase pure films of C60 and the monomeric fullerides Cs6C60, Cs4C60 and fcc RbC60. The separation between the highest energy PES a... Read More about Surface Hubbard U of alkali fullerides.