Magnetoelastic Coupling Constant Of Amorphous Ferromagnetic Alloys - A Critical Study
Journal Article
Barandiaran, J., Gutierrez, J., Garcia-arribas, A., Squire, P., & Atkinson, D. (2000). Magnetoelastic Coupling Constant Of Amorphous Ferromagnetic Alloys - A Critical Study. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 3241-3243
Outputs (49)
High-resolution high energy X-ray diffraction studies of charge ordering in CMR manganites and nickelates (2000)
Journal Article
Wilkins, S., Hatton, P., Liss, K., Ohler, M., Katsufuji, T., & Cheong, S. (2000). High-resolution high energy X-ray diffraction studies of charge ordering in CMR manganites and nickelates. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 14(29-31), 3753-3758
Evaluation Of Polishing Damage In Alumina (2000)
Journal Article
Pape, I., Lawrence, C., Warren, P., Roberts, S., Briggs, G., Kolosov, O., …Tanner, B. (2000). Evaluation Of Polishing Damage In Alumina. Philosophical magazine. A. Physics of condensed matter. Defects and mechanical properties, 80, 1913-1934.
A Study Of The Effects Of Varying Cadmium Chloride Treatment On The Luminescent Properties Of Cdte/cds Thin Film Solar Cells (2000)
Journal Article
Potter, M., Halliday, D., Cousins, M., & Durose, K. (2000). A Study Of The Effects Of Varying Cadmium Chloride Treatment On The Luminescent Properties Of Cdte/cds Thin Film Solar Cells. Thin Solid Films, 361, 248-252.
Soft-x-ray resonant magnetic diffuse scattering from strongly coupled Cu/Co multilayers (2000)
Journal Article
Hase, T., Pape, I., Tanner, B., Dürr, H., Dudzik, E., van der Laan, G., …Hickey, B. (2000). Soft-x-ray resonant magnetic diffuse scattering from strongly coupled Cu/Co multilayers. Physical Review B, 61, 3792-
A high-pressure structural study of propionic acid and the application of CCD detectors in high-pressure single-crystal x-ray diffraction (2000)
Journal Article
Allan, D., Clark, S., Parsons, S., & Ruf, M. (2000). A high-pressure structural study of propionic acid and the application of CCD detectors in high-pressure single-crystal x-ray diffraction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12(39), L613-L620.
Soft x-ray magnetic scattering evidence for biquadratic coupling in Co/Cu multilayers (2000)
Journal Article
Hase, T., Pape, I., Read, D., Tanner, B., Dürr, H., Dudzik, E., …Hickey, B. (2000). Soft x-ray magnetic scattering evidence for biquadratic coupling in Co/Cu multilayers. Physical Review B, 61, 15331-15337
Proof for trivalent Sc ions in Sc₂\@C₈₄ from high-energy spectroscopy (2000)
Journal Article
Pichler, T., Hu, Z., Grazioli, C., Legner, S., Knupfer, M., Golden, M., …Shinohara, H. (2000). Proof for trivalent Sc ions in Sc₂\@C₈₄ from high-energy spectroscopy. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 62(19), 13196-13201.
X-ray scattering studies of 2H-NbSe₂, a superconductor and charge density wave material, under high external magnetic fields (2000)
Journal Article
Du, C., Lin, W., Su, Y., Tanner, B., Hatton, P., Casa, D., …Hohl, H. (2000). X-ray scattering studies of 2H-NbSe₂, a superconductor and charge density wave material, under high external magnetic fields. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, 5361-5370
Density, Sp(3) Content And Internal Layering Of Dlc Films By X-ray Reflectivity And Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (2000)
Journal Article
Libassi, A., Ferrari, A., Stolojan, V., Tanner, B., Robertson, J., & Brown, L. (2000). Density, Sp(3) Content And Internal Layering Of Dlc Films By X-ray Reflectivity And Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. Diamond and Related Materials, 9, 771-776
Density, sp³ fraction, and cross-sectional structure of amorphous carbon films determined by x-ray reflectivity and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (2000)
Journal Article
Ferrari, A., Libassi, A., Tanner, B., Stolojan, V., Yuan, J., Brown, L., …Robertson, J. (2000). Density, sp³ fraction, and cross-sectional structure of amorphous carbon films determined by x-ray reflectivity and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Physical Review B, 62, 11089-11103
Waveguide Photodegradation Of Nonlinear Optical Organic Chromophores In Polymeric Films (2000)
Journal Article
Ren, Y., Szablewski, M., & Cross, G. (2000). Waveguide Photodegradation Of Nonlinear Optical Organic Chromophores In Polymeric Films. Applied optics, 39, 2499-2506.
Damage caused to interlayer coupling of magnetic multilayers by residual gases (2000)
Journal Article
Marrows, C., Hickey, B., Herrmann, M., McVitie, S., Chapman, J., Ormston, M., …Tanner, B. (2000). Damage caused to interlayer coupling of magnetic multilayers by residual gases. Physical Review B, 61, 4131-4140
The effect of plastic deformation and residual stress on the permeability and magnetostriction of steels (2000)
Journal Article
Makar, J., & Tanner, B. (2000). The effect of plastic deformation and residual stress on the permeability and magnetostriction of steels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 222, 291-304
Characterization Of Oxide Layers On Gaas Substrates (2000)
Journal Article
Allwood, D., Carline, R., Mason, N., Pickering, C., Tanner, B., & Walker, P. (2000). Characterization Of Oxide Layers On Gaas Substrates. Thin Solid Films, 364, 33-39
The origin of the redshift in Brillouin spectra of silica films containing tin nanoparticles (2000)
Journal Article
Li Bassi, A., Bottani, C., Tanner, B., Stella, A., Tognini, P., Cheyssac, P., & Kofman, R. (2000). The origin of the redshift in Brillouin spectra of silica films containing tin nanoparticles. The European Physical Journal C, 18, 31-38
Dependence of the critical thickness on Si doping of InGaAs on GaAs (2000)
Journal Article
Tanner, B., Parbrook, P., Whitehouse, C., Keir, A., Johnson, A., Jones, J., …Hogg, J. (2000). Dependence of the critical thickness on Si doping of InGaAs on GaAs. Applied Physics Letters, 77, 2156-2158
Analysis of CdCl2 annealing process in CdTe/CdS solar cells (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Potter, M., Halliday, D., Cousins, M., Scheer, H., McNelis, B., Palz, W., Ossenbrink, H., & Helm, P. (2000, December). Analysis of CdCl2 annealing process in CdTe/CdS solar cells. Presented at 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Glasgow, ScotlandA series of CdTe/CdS solar cells are subjected to CdCl2 anneals of varying lengths and then chemically bevelled and analysed by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Half of the samples were subjected to a physical polishing using 0.25 m diamond paste... Read More about Analysis of CdCl2 annealing process in CdTe/CdS solar cells.
Dynamical and quenched disorder of 2-dimensional charge stripes in La5/3Sr1/3/NIO4 (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ghazi, M. E., Du, C. H., Hatton, P. D., Brown, S., & Cheong, S. W. (2000, December). Dynamical and quenched disorder of 2-dimensional charge stripes in La5/3Sr1/3/NIO4. Presented at 1st Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM-99), Tehran, Iran
Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Studies Of Charge And Spin Stripes In Manganites (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Du, C., Su, Y., Ghazi, M., Hatton, P., Collins, S., Brown, S., & Cheong, S. (2000, December). Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Studies Of Charge And Spin Stripes In Manganites. Presented at 1st Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM-99), Tehran, Iran